Just curious. I was just showing Ethan how to dial 911 (and told him the importance of not calling it unless something was wrong with Mommy or Daddy). He knows the last 2 digits of the street number and the name of our road. He also knows our first and last names.
I'm really not sure at what age it is appropriate to be teaching these things--I want him to be able to get help if he needs it, but don't want to overwhelm him or have him calling 911 because he got out of bed before mommy and needs help getting cereal from the pantry.
Re: What age to teach 911 and emergency info?
Haven't done 911 yet, she's not ready for that.
She DOES know her full name, Bryan's full name, our first & last names, and the street we live on. ?She's nearing 3.5 years old. ?We're just doing it gradually. ?