
Has anyone used the 3-Day PT to FIX an issue for a toddler already PT and in undies?

I know the 3-Day e-book that you buy includes a help desk of sorts and I'm curious if anyone has used the help feature to fix a specific issue in an already trained toddler?  I did not use the 3-Day method to train DS.  Instead, we took a very gradual, child-led approach.  He did great for a couple months, but we are on the go a lot and I got into the habit of asking/telling him when to go potty (so that he'd go before we left the house etc) instead of relying on him to tell me.  Now he has lots of "leaking" problems where he's already leaked some in his undies before he goes to the potty.  I thought it was due to a growth spurt, but its been awhile and now I'm thinking that maybe he just got used to only going when we asked/told him to and so he just tries to hold it until the next time instead of initiating a break on his own.  I'm going to be very intentional about not asking/telling him to go anymore and hope that the ensuing accidents/leaks will help him get back on track.  That's all I can think of and trying to remain patient and positive even though I'm frustrated with the accidents.  I just wanted to see if there's a better method or idea for fixing this, or if the 3-Day method has any specific guidance on fixing existing issues or if its all just for kids starting from scratch?

Re: Has anyone used the 3-Day PT to FIX an issue for a toddler already PT and in undies?

  • I'm not exactly sure what the 3-day PT plan is.  But, I do have a preschooler who was 100% PTed  and decided to regress recently.  What worked REALLY well was a simple sticker chart and a surprise box.  If she pooped in the toilet, she got a sticker on her chart.  After 2 poops (I wanted her to see the instant gratification, and not have to wait too long) she got to open her surprise box which consisted of Dollar Store trinkets.  She LOVED it and went back to going on the toilet all of the time again.  (Thank goodness!!!) 
  • Forgot to add, that I've read that when they get potty training down pat, they tend to regress because it's not a new skill to master anymore.  It's just old hat so they lose interest.  You kind of have to initiate the interest over the toilet again.  GL!
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  • Thank you!  I just started today telling him that he can have a lollipop if he lets me know when he needs to pee and his undies are still dry when we go to the potty.  He seemed interested in that today and did have 1 success.  If it doesn't work, maybe I'll try the stickers and prize box idea.  I bet he would totally dig getting to open a wrapped suprise!  Luckily, his issues are only with pee right now.  I'd really be frustrated if he were pooping in his undies!! 
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