I have two cats, one male, one female, and same litter. They are probably 16months old.These two share a bedroom at night. my husband and I lock them up at night because they are wild. It was been this way since day one. Today I was cleaning that room up, vaccuming and I can smell obnoxious pee smell. I start investigating...to my discovery i found that I have four spare pillows in the room on a twin bed and they are peeing all over the pillows! I have no idea why or how or when. WHAT DO I DO? I am 6 weeks preggers with twins and I am still on the fence whether or not to keep them. I want to but this might be a sign...
Please help! They are indoor have two budda domes, which are cleaned every three days! Please any advice?
Re: what is that smell? cat question
The ladies on the Nest pet board will probably have some great advice and tips for you. I would post over there and ask them, however if you do, do NOT mention that you are considering getting rid of them. They don't look kindly on people that get rid of their pets when they have kids, and I can't say I blame them.
Good luck, I hope you're able to find a solution!
Oh I posted over there, and I did mention in one line that I MIGHT get rid of them and yes I did get nothing but flack. it is so discouraging to post on that board.
I have 3 cats so I dont understand why you are considering getting rid of your cats.
Back to your question, are they fixed? Where is their litter, is it in the room? Perhaps they simply need to pee.
I would get rid of the pillows, dont even try to clean them.
Why is it discouraging - because we told you getting rid of your pets is irresponsible? Because we spend countless hours and emotion cleaning up after pet owners like you who dump their animals when they're inconvenient? You know what's discouraging? Having 40+ animals dropped off at your shelter every day, and only have 11 get adopted. Those are our numbers daily. Guess what happens to the rest? They die. That, my dear, is discouraging, and if you get rid of your pets, you're helping to contribute to that.
Honey, you got a LOT of good advice. Suck it up, buttercup.
Really all you got was some good advice regarding the litter box situation and people asking you to do the RESPONSIBLE thing and keep them.
So I'll say as I said in the other post, I don't know what you are complaining about.
<a href="http://www.thenest.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Home DNo amount of education could convince Betty to be nice to possums
If your cats aren't neutered, get them neutered ASAP.
Also look into a product called Feliway. It's basically a plug in thing that releases a smell that is very comforting to cats. I used to have a cat that started spraying when he was stressed (long story), and the Feliway really helped him feel more comfortable. It was amazing.
peeing outside of the litter box can be a sign of a medical problem. Male cats can get frequent UTIs and not using the box is an early sign. I would get a book and see about training before you get rid of them. Cats are not harmful to babies and not using the box is something that is behavioral and can be fixed. It might be a stress thing, they know things are changing and this is how they are reacting.
Talk to your vet!
I did get some good advice. I never would have thought it would be a UTI. The cats are still peeing in their box. They are both fixed. The boxes are easy for them to access. It has never moved locations.
It is not that I was put off I just thought I would have a lot more nice answers instead of OMG DON"T DUMP YOUR CATS. I don't want to dump them clearly. I am concerned for their health and well being.
I have 3 cats - 2 female and 1 male. My advice would be: 1) Take them to the vet to rule out UTI - VERY COMMON and painful for the poor cats. 2) Clean the litter boxes daily not every 3 days. 3) Spay/neuter them if you have not already. 4) Use feliway like pp said. 5) Please don't give your cats up b/c of this!
ps I hope your DH is cleaning the boxes now since your pg or you are using gloves and taking precautions against toxoplasmosis.
Animals get territorial. Have you decorated that room or another for the babies? You aren't showing yet - but clearly they know you're pregnant... or maybe they are reacting to being locked in the room? Either way - they are fighting with you for dominance. My cats freaked out when I brought the girls home. We really didn't put the nursery together until the day before we brought them home. I didn't get traditional nursery furniture (we used a long dresser for a changing table/dresser) and we only set up one crib to begin with. Courtney threw up all over every piece of furniture she could find for days. Casey on the other hand became parent #3. He parked himself on my bed just above the pack n play bassinet we kept them in and only left for the litter box or food. He guarded them day and night and had to sniff every inch of anyone that dared come near them.
Cats are cats... I'd start by washing the pillows in white vinegar and hot water if possible (should kill the smell) then make sure they have a litter box in that room or don't lock them in it. Spray a white vinegar and water solution on the bed they peed on. It is supposed to deter them - works with mine. Good luck!
Some helpful information so far such as 1-ruling out medical problems (UTI, crystals, etc) 2-trying pheramones such as Feliway 3- cleaning the litterboxes often (at least 1 time per day (DH can do this))
Also please consider having one MORE litterbox than the number of cats you own.....so if you have 2 cats make sure you have 3 boxes. I know that you had said they are domed and they are probably used to that but many cats develop preferences and going in a litterbox with a cover is comparative to using a port-a-potty. Hope this helps.
There are also behavioral drugs available if medical problems can be ruled out but in that case it is recommended to find the "culprit" kitty to know which one to medicate Fluoxitiene (Prozac) is a pretty effective behavioral drug if you get to that point.
Let me know if you have any other questions,