Hi ladies-
I haven't posted much lately because there aren't too many interesting ways to post "yep, nothing new here". You may remember I did an IVF cycle in May that resulted in an early m/c. We are finally meeting w/our RE for a revisit Mon. - we weren't in a big hurry because our summer is crazy, and his schedule was equally ridiculous. Anyway, I have mixed feelings. I have been enjoying being off the ride but know I have to get back on if I want to be pregnant. Ugh. I have a bunch of questions for him - I'm going to email them tonight so we aren't "springing" them on him. His written summary of my last cycle was that he wouldn't be changing my protocal at all, and that bothers me, so that's one of my many ??? Anyway, just wanted to say "hi" and let you know I"m actually doing something TTC after 35 related! I have been following all of your cycles and cheering you on!
Re: Long time no post - RE revisit on Wed.
Good luck with your visit. I'm sure you will walk out feeling better than you do now...it's always good to have a plan in place!
Hey, Lilac! I know what you mean about enjoying time off from the ride. Even though I was disappointed to be out of the TTC game, I enjoyed the 3 months off when I had to have surgery and get my thyroid under control. It was nice not having to worry about when I'm O'ing, taking temps, is AF coming...
I hope you get lots of questions answered at your RE appt. Good luck!?
Hi Lilac- I was wondering about you. I've seen you on here but I was curious about your next steps. I hope the RE has good answers to your questions. And your next IVF gives you a sticky baby.