My LO has been inconsolable all day today. I have worn him, rocked him, walked with him, bounced him, sang to him, laid down with him, nursed until my nips feel like they're going to fall off... nothing has worked.
10 minutes ago I put him down in the vibrating baby rocker out of desperation.... and he's sitting there quiet; looking around all wide-eyed and smiling. *sigh*
Re: I feel like a failure
Honestly, sometimes I think DS just wants to sit or lay down by himself and kick or wiggle. He can be super fussy, and then when I put him down for a minute, he's as happy as a clam. It does make you feel kind of bad, but if it makes him happy, so be it!
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He's super gassy---he farts like a little old man. I think I figured out why yesterday was so bad. Normally DS poops several times a day, but yesterday, he didn't poop at all. Today, however... so far he's pooped 3 times, and all 3 of them were of EPIC proportions. Happily, 2 of the 3 were while I left him with daddy so I could go to the store lol.
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Our successful cycle was IVF #2: Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol - 2 beautiful blasts transferred.
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