Austin Babies


Jack and I showed up and it was PACKED. There was a b-day party for some older kids, no where to sit, etc. So, we walked in and walked right back out.

My phone wasn't connecting so I couldn't get onlline to post. 

My apologies, ladies. I'm thinking about trying again tomorrow, but honestly, if it is still crowded we won't stay. 



  • That's OK, we had fun anyway =) See, we don't have newborns so we just camped out on the floor. It was pretty crowded compared to when I've been there before, Abby was getting pushed all over the place but she didn't care.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • That was the most crowded I've ever seen that place get.  It was fun though!!!


    ETA: Avery crashed out in the car and is now crashed in her crib.  Do I see a 3 hour nap in her future?  Maybeeee.....

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  • imageCrazyNLove:

    That was the most crowded I've ever seen that place get.  It was fun though!!!


    ETA: Avery crashed out in the car and is now crashed in her crib.  Do I see a 3 hour nap in her future?  Maybeeee.....

    Marisa's finishing up her lunch, but she looks tiiiired.  I'm crossing my fingers for a long nap.  It was nice to see/meet everybody!

    MC, it's cool.  My shoulder is mad at you, though.  It's sore from carrying my heavy purse full of a certain book I was going to give you. Wink

  • We made it there but never made it in due to Grant having a tantrum. Sorry we missed everyone. It was our first major tantrum out of the house...not the best milestoneSad

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