I just booked our hotel four our vacation on Priceline. I don't like the hotel! I know they say you can't cancel, but I'm curious if anyone has tried. Were you successful?
I know, I know, it's the chance you take. I honestly didn't think they would take my bid though!!
Re: NPR: Has anyone got a refund on a Priceline hotel?
I accidentally mixed up AM/PM when I was doing a rental car through Priceline. I actually needed the car for 12 more hours. Not only would they not refund my money but they would not even give me 12 more hours at the agreed upon rate even though I knew (don't remember how I knew) that they would have accepted that bid. So I had to pay the extra 12 hours at the rental car places regular rate (which was ridiculous). Pretty much cancelled any sort of good deal I got.