2nd Trimester

what type of Dr would one call... leg pain in one spot -paranoid about clots

an hour or so after the gym (I typically go every weekday at lunch) I got up from my desk and had a pulling pain in my mid inner thigh. A tight feeling that eased up once I walked around a bit. I don't remember pulling anything or injuring myself though.

now that it's later at night, it's tighter and hurts more when I walk around. I am starting to freak out about a blood clot, but....

it is not hot to the touch, no swelling, there is one spot that is more tender than the rest (I read deep vein thrombosis is not one spot but a widespread dull pain). and there is zero pain when I'm not moving/stretching it.

I am still kind of freaked out about a blood clot. TThis doesn't seem worthy of an ER visit though. Who would one even call though -what type of dr, and especially over the weekend??

Re: what type of Dr would one call... leg pain in one spot -paranoid about clots

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    Family doctor or general practitioner.  Unless you want to call your OB.  A specialist isn't going to take your call over the weekend if you haven't seen your regular doctor.

    You could go to urgent care, which is usually just a regular doctor with extended hours.  

    Or if your insurance offers an advice nurse call them.  

    Truthfully I don't think you really need to worry too much about it.  Try treating it at a muscle pull/strain and see if it improves.  

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    The women I work with that have had babies say that once you are pregnant the only doctor you call is or OB.  They are your everything doctor.  I'm not sure how true this is, but that's what they say.
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    i think the internet has just gotten the best of me and freaking me out?

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    Between pregnancy and working out, weird pains are pretty likely to come up.  I would treat it like a strain and call on Monday if it doesn't improve (unless you are prone to clots for some reason).


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    I worked on a vascular unit for 3 years and it most definitely does not sound like a DVT.  When I hear leg pain that's usually the first thing I think of but with your symptoms and the fact that the pain first appeared after working out I think it sounds more like a pulled muscle.  Try a heating pad. 
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    I talked to a nurse in my dr office because I had a similar issue, and I only had pain with no other symptoms of a blood clot.  She told me to call my obgyn so that they would be aware.  They ended up ordering an u/s of my leg on Wednesday to be cautious because they said pg ladies are more prone to blood clots.  Everything turned out fine, though.  If you are really worried, I would call your on-call doctor. 
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    Oh, and pregnant ladies may have a slightly higher risk but the fact that you are active and work out regularly really helps to lower the risk.  The only symptom that you have that matches is pain but even the type of pain that you have doesn't match up.  If you really wanted to ease your fears you could call your OB tonight or maybe just see how you feel in the morning.  You could go to the urgent care center in the morning and see if they could draw a D-Dimer or even do a doppler.  (I know some of our urgent care centers around here are really diagnostic centers and are capable of running those tests without the cost, hassle, and wait of an ER visit.)

    I'm not a doctor but I really wouldn't worry if I were you.  Lay off the google. ;] And good luck to you.

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