Meh... eventually we've got to get away from thinking of their ages in months, right? I mean, we can't go telling people our kids are 14 and 4 months when they are going into HS ; ) Although, I admit I find it next to impossible to not give people K's EXACT age when people they really care. I should just say he's a year.
I stopped around 18 months with Caleb. This may sound horrible, but it was completely diff. with Colten... we just go by years with both now. If someone asks me I will tell them Colten is 1 and Caleb is 3.
Re: Oh wow, I suck
If it makes you feel any better, I forgot T's too.
However, yesterday (thanks to my handy dandy Bump ticker) I realized that she was 1 year, 1 month, 1 week and 1 day old