
Please recommend your prescription prenatal vitamin that also has a DHA supplement

I'm trying a few out but would love to hear some recommendations.


Re: Please recommend your prescription prenatal vitamin that also has a DHA supplement

  • I took PrimaCare with DHA until it was recalled for minor reasons. ?Then I ended up on Neevo.
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  • I know you wanted prescription but I take One a Day with DHA.  It has all the the things important including iodine.  I haven't had a problem with them at all.  They don't even make me nauseous.
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  • I am jumping in the post late but I take Duet DHA by Stuart Natal. I have never had any issues with them and have taken them since I became pregnant with my now 2 yr old.
  • i took premesis. it wasnt a huge pill like the prima care. it was a smaller blue pill that helped with nausea and didnt constipate.
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