
Anyone have an amby baby hammock?

Was it worth the money?  I will be nursing, so the new baby will probably be in our room for a while.  We tried the pack n play with ds, but it didn't work - I ended up co-sleeping until he was about 8 months old.  I did love the cuddles, but I'm hoping to avoid co-sleeping this time.  (I just can't seem to get a good deep sleep while co-sleeping, I was half awake all night).  Thanks!

Re: Anyone have an amby baby hammock?

  • We have it for Thomas. ?I paid $150 for ours used from Ebay, and it looks like new. ?We got it because he'll need to be in our room for a while (until my middle child is ready to move out of the crib into his big brother's room), and I wanted something that would last most of the first year. ?We used a cradle with the first two, but they outgrew it by around 3 months and both hated the pack 'n play.

    I do think it seems more comfortable than the pack 'n play, and at 7 weeks he's starting to sleep for much longer stretches and occasionally sleeping for about 8-9 hours at a time in it. ?The first few weeks we didn't get much use out of it. ?Even now, he usually ends up in bed with us at some point because it's easier for me to nurse him lying down (and going back to sleep) than sitting up. ?I think it's worth the money we paid for it, but I'm glad I didn't buy it new. ?

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