The mail just came! Joe Loves, Loves, Loves the Yoda and the Kiss T-shirt is so awesome! Thank you so much! Please let me know what I owe you! I will certainly plan to return the t-shirt when Jilli grows out of it. I'm sure she'll fit into it soon as she was up 12oz at her 1 week appt yesterday. Has an appetite much like her sister and sleeps good like her too.
How are S&B doing? Hopefully good!
Re: ~~~KoriBrett!!!~~~
Oh how sweet of you Kor!
I love love love this pic and have that boppy cover.
Aw - look at B! She looks so grown up!
ETA: I'll have to add the boppy cover to the long list of same things that we have! LOL
The KISS shirt is yours, it's ok. It needs to be well loved, that's all I ask. That shirt is awesome is it not? LOL
Dude she was up almost a pound?? SWEEEEET but man, poor mom!
It's a prototype and a gift, I had all the supplies already to make it - no worries. Glad you guys are really as dorky as I am & like them!
They're good - B has yet another ear inf but is better finally. Sam has another imaginary friend with the best name EVAH "HubbissHubbiss" I could say that all day, it's hysterical.
The shirt is in good hands so you can rest easy. ) And we're honored to be part of the dork club if it means getting special yoda crotchety dolls!
By the way, your shop name is so creative! I didn't "get it" until now!
Glad B is feeling better already. I'm guessing you're looking forward to the surgery. Hope it helps! And that is a riot about HubbissHubbiss! She's so creative!
shhh EllaMinnowPea is the name of a book I loved :-)
I'm counting down. July 23rd, so 14 days!
Yeah, I forgot to put HubbissHubbiss in the car today.. bad move.
And extra bonus, my old coworker is back, Resident Bigot is demoted to being her tech (read, lackey) and is in a diff. office 2 days a week. BWAHA
ETA and if I already told you about ResBig, sorry, I'm excited. Strike that, reverse it.