
Just found out yesterday! Hi!

I just found out yesterday that we're expecting twins! I'm so surprised and excited! This is our first baby - we were surprised to get pregnant so quickly and even more surprised to see two little ones on the ultrasound! Twins run in both of our families but I didn't even think about it until it happened!

I have a million things running through my head right now - this def. threw me for a loop! We're now trying to figure out if I can stay at home - I was laid off last October, just started a business, and was thinking about finding another job until I could get the business up and running. But now - I'm so tired and sick I can't get anything done. I don't know how I could go to work right now - I'd be in the bathroom most of the day!

?I'm so grateful to have an outlet for some support - please tell me the MS will be gone soon!?

Re: Just found out yesterday! Hi!

  • Welcome!!!! GL for a happy and healthy twin pregnancy! I am still getting used to the idea of having 2 - some days it is hard to believe!

    I have had m/s since 4 weeks and it is still going strong. I have had a day or two where I think it is gone but it comes back. I hope yours goes away soon!!

    Welcome again!

  • KMB7KMB7 member

    Welcome and Congrats!!!

    MS does get better, eventually. :) I had to get a perscription for Zofran to help me eat.

    Feel free to ask any question you would like.  

    TTC since 7/06, found out about PCOS on 8/31/06 Dec.2007~ Metformin 1500mg, prenatals, Femara 2.5mg)(cd3-7), Gonal F 100iu(cd5-?) and Ovidrel with TI. DH~ antibiotics to improve motility (cd1-10)
    Beta #1 15dpo 298, Beta #2 18dpo 1048
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  • congrats and welcome!

    my M/s wasn't horrible with my twin pg - but it was a lot worse than with my singleton pg (where i had hardly any at all).  I felt a lot better in the 2nd tri.


  • Congratulations!!  I don't have any experience with m/s, but I do know how shocking it is to know there is more than one.  It took a week for it to sink in for us:)
  • Congrats and Welcome!! ?I am sure you will be having a whole host of emotions, I know I did and still do! ?We too got pregnant quickly and were surprised by twins. ?Very exciting and special, but it can also be overwhelming too! ?This board is great for questions. ?I have no experience with m/s either but everyone says it gets better in the second tri so hang in there!!!
  • Congratulations on your twin pregnancy!!
  • congrats!! m/s gets better, I had to use Zofran to help. I didn't worry about healthy, I just ate what sounded good and what would stay down.
    Our Blog TTC since 10/2004 Follistim+Ovidril+Metformin=BFP on 12/8/08 2 heartbeats-12/30/08 Betas- 10DPO-104 12DPO-274 Photobucket Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Congrats!

    Good luck with the job or staying home whichever you decide.

    I am sorry but I can't offer any help in the MS department I threw up everyday until I delivered.  I hope you get some relief though.

  • welcome & congrats!

    Do you have a rx for Zofran?  It was my BFF until about 18 weeks or so.

  • First off CONGRATS!  I myself just found out on Monday 7/6 that we're expecting twins too.  Twins do run on both of our sides, but we also have been TTC for almost 2 years now and we were in our 2nd month of fertilty shots & IUI and our little miracles happened.  I'm also due in Feb.  I am praying that they hold on tight and those tiny little hearts I saw flickering on Monday continue to flicker.  I to am somewhat overwhelmed but very excited at the same time.  I have been so exausted every single day and working full-time is hard right now, well staying awake that is, LOL. So good luck and rest up while you can! 

    I will keep you in my prays and I wish you the best of luck. 



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