
Switching to convertible seats

Right now, our 8 month old twins are still within the weight and height limit for the infant seats. But soon they will need to switch to convertible seats, and I really have no idea how we'll manage with 2 of them going in and out of daycare. Right now, I lug both babies into daycare in their infant seats. It's a PITA but usually a teacher is able to help and plus, my upper body is getting toned :)

But if I stop using the infant carriers, I have no idea how I'll bring them in and out of the school. How do you handle this with older babies? Do you carry one baby in and then come back for the other? Do you use the stroller? Thanks!



Re: Switching to convertible seats

  • No experience but I would use the stroller, but I also have a 21month old to take in too.  Right now I get the twins out in their carriers drop them in their room (1st room as you enter) then go back and get older DD.  After getting her settled in I go back and talk to the twins teacher.
  • i can carry two (25 lb!) boys at once, one in each arm. fortunately, i don't have to, since daycare helps me with the loading and unloading from my car.
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  • I would try to just carry them both in.  I wouldn't hassle w/ the stroller for a short trip. 
  • I don't have experience with this yet, and even though I can carry both, it would probably be easier to just get out my's compact and easy enough to fold/unfold. Or I might use my single umbrella stroller...put one in the umbrella stroller and carry the other.





  • Hmmm, I'll have to think about this. Carrying them both in would be tough because there is a code you punch in to enter the building. I don't know how I'd enter the code with a baby in each arm. I would have to always try to piggy back on other parents going in or hope a teacher lets me in!

    I may try looking into the umbrella stroller. I think that's easier than unfolding the big one.

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