2nd Trimester

What would you do...

ok, so my mil is getting our travel system for us(soo thankful) and we picked the chicco romantic. well bru dosnt carrie it in this color so we are getting it from a small shop in town. BUT, if i settle on the other color we are saving 50 plus and extra 15% with the cupon i have. so, would you save the money or is it worth it to have the color you really want. both are pretty gender nutral, but i love that i havent seen to many of the romantics, i see the red one everywhere. thanks!  
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Re: What would you do...

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    I myself am all for saving money, even if its not mine.  Is a certain color that important to you?  If so then get the color you want. 
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    What does your mil think about it?  If she's willing to fork out the extra for the color you really want, then let her!
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    Do what makes your heart happy!?
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    imageMrs. A.J. Martins:
    What does your mil think about it?  If she's willing to fork out the extra for the color you really want, then let her!

    I agree.  Let her know about the color you want but that BRU has a different color for a little cheaper.  She may surprise you and tell you not to worry about the cost.

    Also, I was just thinking did you see if the color you want is available online?  Then you would get the best of both worlds.  Smile

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    i wish it were available online. but its not. i am thinking of asking if i can pay the difference. she probable wont let us, but i think i will insist. i hate that i feel like we are taking advantage of her. i just asked the hubbs and he really likes the black, so i think we are paying the difference. thanks ladies!
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    mooetamooeta member
    I would save the money.  Your MIL is generous to offer to buy the travel system you should either put up the extra for the color you want or go with the one at BRU.
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