2nd Trimester

Need help justifying this...

I'm flying home to Maine (where I grew up) this weekend and plan on eating my weight in lobsters, mussels, and haddock!  Most weeks I don't eat the full 12 oz of seafood we can eat, so its totally ok to make up those missed ounces this week right?!  I'm asking you all because if I asked me OB and she told me otherwise, I might have to switch Drs....

Mmmmmm...I am so excited about the lobster!!!

Re: Need help justifying this...

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    Well I am a Sushi, Fish, and Shell Fish eating maniac Wink  I say HAVE FUN!
    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
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    PLEASE eat some for me!!!!!
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    Mmmmmmm lobster and butter, sorry i was distracted by the drool rolling down my chin!

    GO FOR IT! :)

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    I'm from Prince Edward Island and I went home for a week in June I did the same thing.  They are all small fish that don't live in the water long.  It would be different if you wanted to eat that much Tuna.  Go for it I did.  It was great.  Have fun.  Also my DH is a Doc and a friend of mine who is an OB and is from Maine both told me to go for it.
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    Eat away!! ALL fish if GOOD to eat, except raw fish like sushi, in large amounts.  Shell fish is fine to eat if it's fished from the shores of Maine. The big thing about shellfish (and a lot of fish) is the level of mercury. The ocean fish on our coasts are fine since we have enough selenium to take on the mercury, the problem with shellfish is getting it from asien countries will high mercury and low selenium. As long as you're not getting the shell fish from Red Lobster (or other places that get it shipped in), you are totally fine.

    Eat tons of fish while you're pregnant and BF because there is a direct link between mothers who eat fish and a higher IQ of the baby.  Yes

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    Oh, I should add just not to eat whale, shark, or swordfish, but that didn't sound like the plan. Wink
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    I did the same thing in Mexico a couple months ago. I ate my weight in lobster. It's spiny lobster which is among the lowest mercury level. I stayed away from the yummy grouper though.
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