2nd Trimester

My poor child...

I drank a large Diet Pepsi for lunch.  I think he's freaking out.

Re: My poor child...

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    EMTXEMTX member

    Funny, I was about to post that I'm currently drinking my FIRST caffeinated beverage since BFP.

    I bought a root beer and drank half before I realized it has caffeine - apparently Barq's does, but most other brands don't.

    Baby has been kicking up a storm. Poor little thing! :)

    In my bag: Canon 60D, 50mm 1.4, Tamron 28-75 2.8, 430exii Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    My MD told me after my BFP that it was best for me and my child to not try anything rash, like suddenly cutting the caffeine habit. I really don't notice her more after drinking a diet soda, but when I drink something with a lot of sugar, like orange juice or apple juice, watch out!
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