2nd Trimester

Wipe Warmers

I have made up my mind about everything except the wipe warmer. I understand the purpose, but I can not decide whether or not I want one.

Are you ladies registering for or buying one?

Re: Wipe Warmers

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    waste of money
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    I already got mine.  A friend gave me hers that she won't be using anymore.
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    IMO they can dry out the wipes and are pointless.
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    Nope. :)
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    waste of money



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    Personally I am not registering for one.  I have heard from people who had them and loved them and I have heard from people who had them and complained that they broke/dried out the wipes/etc... 

    We decided to not get one b/c there are other things we would rather spend our money on and it really seems more of a luxury item than a necessity.

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    No, not this time. I registered for and received one with my DS, and it really was more of a hassle than anything. I kind of just ended up warming his wipes up in my hands for a few seconds instead, works just as well. Good luck!
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    I felt they were unnecessary, however DH felt otherwise. His comment to me was how would I feel if someone put a cold wipe on my penis in the middle of the night. I just kinda shrugged and said whatever, if it makes him happy I'll register for one. Honestly though, I use cold wipes on babies all the time, and it really doesn't make a difference

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    waste of money

    I agree

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    My friend swears up and down I will regret not getting one. it's one more thing to plug in, and what if you don't have a warm wipe some diaper change? I'd rather not have to deal with it.
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    We've got one, but only because someone gave one to us.  I liked having it, but wouldn't have purchased one.  FWIW, my wipes never got dried out at all.
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    Waste of money!
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    No.  They can be a fire hazard and aren't really recommended.  We're cloth diapering anyway and will be using cloth wipes.
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    I heard they dry your wipes out.
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    I'm not getting one because


    1) Totally not necessary!

    2) They create a risk for electrical fires (I read this in Baby Bargains, 8th edition, a book I highly recommend). I think my baby would rather deal with cold wipes than an electrical fire in his nursery.?

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    I guess I am on the only one but I love mine!
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    My mom bought me one with DD like it but something I wouldnt ?buy myself.
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    I live in Texas, so probably not all that necessary.  Maybe if we lived somewhere very cold.
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    I'm gonna go with no .

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    I have always thought that they were a rather silly purchase. Not buying or registering.

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    yeah, complete waste of money... not needed.  They dry out your wipes...

    Also from experience, my DD LOVES cold wipes...she pees if you try and wipe her with anything warm.

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    ENevENev member
    Nope, no wipe warmer here. Totally unnecessary, IMO.
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    No.  I don't see the point since I will not always be able to off her warm wipes.  I don't want her to get used to them and then freak out with unwarmed wipes.  Just my opinion though....
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    Waste of money.. It dried out my wipes.
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    I have 3 of them and never used them..they would dry all my wipes out..its good idea but, it didn't work very well!
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    Big waste of money- they end up getting too warm and drying out the wipes a lot of the time!  I had never wanted one but recieved it as a gift for DD1 and hated it.  I used it, unplugged, for DD2 for a while but now I've discovered it is just easier to keep the wipes in a package you can move around with!
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    They're a waste of money. We got one for our DS and they dried out and burnt the last 5-10 wipes at the bottom of the stack every single time no matter how full the water thing was to steam them. Plus it got so hot on the changing table where it sat I was afraid it was a fire hazzard!
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    Waste of money!


    bingo!  not getting one.

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    I've had one with both boys and never had an issue with them. The boys have no problems with the regular wipes while we are out and about, so its just a luxury item. I use a Prince Lionheart one that is an older model and have never had an issue with them drying the wipes out. They have worked out great for us.
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    IMO they can dry out the wipes and are pointless.


    Yes This

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    I used a wipe warmer for my son for two and a half years. I will be using it again as well. The nurses in my hospital made sure I had warm wipes for myself during labor and recovery. They wouldn't let me use a perfectly good yet cold one that was sitting on my table still in the wrapper because it wasn't warm and comfortable. I figured if they give me this much consideration then I would give it to my son. A warm wipe is much more comfortable in the middle of the night than an icy cold wipe. Especially if you are trying to change your child without really waking them. Just my opinion.

    I used Pampers wipes and they never dried out. Huggies wipes dried out. Huggie's wipes suck anyway though. They tear. 

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    complete waste- dries out the wipes.
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