2nd Trimester

Palmer Cocoa Butter Question

I recently bought some Palmer's cocoa butter and am wondering if I got some bunk stuff.  Everyone on here says how smoothe it makes their skin feel, but for me it seems a little sticky feeling.  I bought it in a pot, and it is kind of hard and waxy on the top like chapstick.  Once I got under the top layer, it seemed a little softer.  Is this normal?  Did I get the wrong thing?

Re: Palmer Cocoa Butter Question

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    Mine is in a pump bottle, like a lot of lotions or hand soaps and it is not at all sticky, though it definitely needs to air dry before I get dressed, or it makes me feel like my clothes are sticking to me (like I find with all lotions).  I have not seen it in a pot before...
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    Once that top bit goes away the pot gets better.  It feels like smooth suntan lotion to me- I use it before bed.
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    I got the Burts Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter (how is that for a tongue twister?) and it glides on smoothly like, well, butter.

    It is not sticky. So I recommend it if you are looking for something else to try. :)

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    You can put the pot-style cocoa butter in the microwave for about 10 seconds.  Smooths it out a little...
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    The kind in the pot is very sticky.  I use it for my feet then put on socks and put it on my elbows.  For the rest of my body I have a bottle.  It's more refined and goes on your skin better.

    The pot stuff will work just as well for your whole body, you just have to use you hands to warm it up so that it will spread on smoothly.  Just let it sink-in and dry before butting on clothing, or they will stick to you.

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    I thought the exact same thing when I first bought my palmers. If you take a huge chunk and rub it around in your hands first it gets softer
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    Hey! From someone who used to own a skincare company - here's a small tip :-)

     If you're using it because you want cocoa butter for your stretch marks then make sure that cocoa butter is the first or second ingredient. If the first ingredient is water, you're getting a cream/lotion, not a butter, and it'll be far less concentrated!

    Since it's cocoa butter which is a solid at room temperature, if you get it in a high concentration (like in a butter) it will be kind of hard, and not feel creamy.

    Hope this helps! If yours is hard you likely got something good!

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    Mix it up, it needs to be emulsified. Scoop some onto your hands and rub it around like you were putting hair stuff on your hands. The heat from your hands will break it down and make it easier to rub on.
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