2nd Trimester

Crazy Friend

My friend wants to name her little girl Navy.

Tongue Tied

She says her "friend just named her daughter Evelyn and Navy is more normal than that."

So how hard should I fight for this little girl coming in to the world?

Re: Crazy Friend

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    Good luck with that one. When I hear Navy I have to giggle and I think of this horrible perfume I used to wear when I was little...
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    Can you get her convinced that it sounds like a boys name- associated with blue and the army etc?
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    Well, I think her reasoning is off b/c Evelyn is of course a more common name than Navy

    But I'm also the type of person that says If she wants to name her kid something then let her name it that (short of Buttface or something  :) 

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    I don't know about this.  While it might not be the name you would choose, you would get irate if your friend/MIL/stranger commented on your baby's name.  Try to put the shoe on the other foot and think how you would feel.  I think there will be plenty of other people taking up the fight, you can just be her friend.
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    I feel like the name someone chooses for their baby is never up for opinions or suggestions unless they are requested by the parent.  We all know what an important, difficult, frustrating, fun decision that is.  We get to name our babies let her name hers. 
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    Eeekkk! When I hear Navy I think of that Village People song: "In the navy you can sail the seven seas. In the Navy..."

    Maybe you can come up with a first name that will allow Navy to be a nickname, that way the lil girl can choose what to be called later on.

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    Ok, Disclaimer since this is the internet: I'm being sarcastic here. In no way am I going to go irate on my friend. She did ask me what I think and I told her it's not my cup of tea. But I do think she's Navy's a little out there and had to come share with you guys Big Smile.
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    Personally, I would start a friendly conversation to dig deeper into the reasons she desires to saddle another human being with this burden (obviously, don't say those words exactly). Then, when she is not showing any signs of defensiveness, you might offer suggestions for names that meet the same requirements the aforementioned "Navy" meets.

    I agree that, as a parent, it is a pain hearing people complain about your name choice. But it's a bigger pain going through life with a name that will have people judging you before you have gotten past "hello." :(

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    Play that Village People song for her and that should help.

    "In the Navy..."

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