Trying to Get Pregnant

Massage during the 2WW

I have read mixed reviews online about this.  Some say just to avoid the feet, others say avoid altogether & some say go for it.  I have a massage schedule today but since I'm in the 2WW, is it safe? 
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Re: Massage during the 2WW

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    I have no idea, but that's a good looking chart!

    Thanks! I've been stalking your chart & it's looking good Wink  I hope your temps stay up.  You sure can't go wrong w/ your timing, so hopefully you'll get a BFP this cycle.

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    I know what you mean about the temp spike.  I'm excited my temps are higher this cycle & don't zig zag as much.  I'm hoping yesterday's temp was an implantation dip ::Crosses Fingers::
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    I have gotten weekly massages since before bfp & through pregnancy -- there is no issue with getting a massage while pregnant. Go & Enjoy!
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    Now that we've discussed our there anyone out there that knows the answer to my question? 

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    I have gotten weekly massages since before bfp & through pregnancy -- there is no issue with getting a massage while pregnant. Go & Enjoy!

    any areas you avoided during this time?  like the feet

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    I have gotten weekly massages since before bfp & through pregnancy -- there is no issue with getting a massage while pregnant. Go & Enjoy!

    any areas you avoided during this time?  like the feet

    Its not really the feet - its really a pressure point above the ankle on the side that is supposed to induce labor/contractions (which is why there is the old wives tale to get a pedicure to go into labor). I got massaged during the 2ww & was fine & they didnt avoid anything. When I did get my bfp, I told the massage therapist right away but from what I could tell they didnt do anything different (i get most work done on my back though). I know the pressure points because I also get acupuncture & she really changed what she did once I was pg. If you're nervous just ask them to avoid your feet/ankles if itll make you feel more comfortable.

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    massage therapist here....

    Yes, you can get a massage during your 2ww, no, they don't need to avoid anything.  You can get massaged in your 1st tri, but you would need to talk that over with your doc.

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    I can't imagine what the harm would be in the 2ww.

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    Ahaha!  Sorry for jacking your thread.  :D

    I'm glad you posted cause I was wanting to tell you how good your chart looks. 

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    massage therapist here....

    Yes, you can get a massage during your 2ww, no, they don't need to avoid anything.  You can get massaged in your 1st tri, but you would need to talk that over with your doc.

    Perfect!  Thanks.  I figured I was probably ok but wanted to make sure.  There's always someone here who's an expert, so I figured it was the best place to ask.

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    I will google, but, can anyone give me the short on why massages are a no no while pg?
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    I will google, but, can anyone give me the short on why massages are a no no while pg?

    They are not a no no.  You need to inform your therapist because of the pressure points that are related to the uterus.  When you are further along, massaging said points can cause the uterus to contract leading to miscarry.  Its not always the case, but it does happen.

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    I've heard it is just fine.
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