I'm having migraines almost daily. I never had even one prior to this pregnancy. My OB/GYN has been prescribing a very low dose of Darvocet and tells me to use it very sparingly. He'll give me a script for 20 and expect them to last 2+ months. I've told him it's not working, and his response was "if it's not working - don't take it." I cannot handle these headaches!
These are debilitating headaches. I have a 1 year old, and I'm finding it very difficult to care for her. I've tried lying in a dark, quiet room, using cold compresses, not letting myself get too hungry, making sure I'm eating well, etc....
If anyone else is having unbearable migraines like these, what are you taking or doing about it? And forget tylenol. I tried that before going to the Darvocet.
I am so sorry, I know what you are going through. Since it's way too much to write here, if you go to my blog you will see the journey my twin pregnancy put me on. From 5 weeks gestation I had migraines daily for 3 weeks straight, sometimes I had more than one a day. The migraines lasted throughout my pregnancy and beyond, but I've suffered migraines from a very early age (about 6 years old). You can take painkillers through your pregnancy, but only as needed, at least that's what I was told and I did take them only when I needed them. My neurologist told me to take magnesium oxide and it really helped. Check out my blog for other ideas to help with migraines. You'll have to go to my earlier posts, you'll find the link below, it's the first one.
Congratulations and good luck. If you have any questions feel free to write me.
Unfortunately I don't have an answer either. But I have been getting terrible headaches that last about 2 days! I am just trying to drink alot! But nothing seems to help and like you said, Tylenol is useless!
Good luck I hope they get better!
I had monthly migraines with my cycle pre-pg and thank heaven that they've disappeared while pg. I HATE the side-effects of all of the typical meds.
The thing that worked best for me was acupuncture. I was wary at first but that pain can make you willing to try ANYTHING. It cured or reduced my migraines and got rid of years of back pain. Worth a shot!
i get migraines normally- and had them with both my pregnancies.
Go see a neurologist if your OB is not helping you out. There are many other meds you can try.... some of the Rx meds I was given during pg for migraines are: Vicodin, Tylenol + codine, and Fioricet. The Fioricet works the best for me- with Vicodin coming in 2nd... the Tylenol3 did nothing for me.
I also found if i took Excedrine Tension Headache right when i felt one coming on i could get rid of it --- it's just tylenol + caffiene.
I also started taking one of the ETH's each morning with my PNV - that little bit of caffiene (it's 65mg/pill) helped keep them away better.
also- i forget how pg you are- but my OB allowed me to take up to 800mg of Advil until i was 26w pg. Advil is only dangerous in the last trimester - though most docs are conservative and tell you not to take it- my doc assured me it's safe until the 3rd tri - and i did a lot of research that backed up what he said. 4 Advil would often be the BEST thing for me with a bad migraine - but it sucked when i was in the 3rd tri and couldn't take it.
in general i was able to manage them pretty well- except when the weather would switch from high pressure to low pressure/rain - then it was bad and only the weather lifting would help.
I was actually the opposite of you - I had regular migraines pre and post pregnancy, but they went away when I was pregnant, thankfully.
I was paranoid of getting them when I was first pregnant, so I talked to my peri about it. He actually prescribed phenergan for me (which is what a lot of people take for m/s). Although one of my migraine's worst symptoms is nausea - to that might have been part of the reason. Anyway, I never ended up taking it while I was pregnant, but I did take it post-pregnancy when I had run out of my regular migraine Rx. The phenergan didn't completely take away the headache, but it made my symptoms so much better. So that might something you can try.
Definitely talk to another doctor - your GP, a neurologist - somebody. I know there are a variety of meds that are safe for pregnant women - sometimes it just takes some trial and error to determine which one will work for you. Your OB is being completely unreasonable in this situation.
Best of luck.
Thank you so much to all of you who responded. I will call my family doctor first to see if he handles migraines. If he doesn't, I'll get a neurologist referral from him.
I have had migraines my whole life.
If my DH will rub my neck, shoulders, head and face, it will sometimes help.
Hope you find a cure.
I have suffered through migraines my entire life.
I was not lucky enough to have them disappear during both of my pregnancys.
With my daughter my OB first said that I needed to contact my primary doctor - my primary said that he would feel better if my OB treated it first. Meaning rule out any pregnancy related conditions. They did - and ended up writing a script for Darvocet. It wasnt a low dose - it was my normal dose that I have taken my entire life.
With my twin pregnancy - they followed the same pattern as when I was pregnant with my daughter.
I always started with Tylenol & a coke. Ice packs on my head & neck. Sometimes even a heating pad (strange - but sometimes it works). I always took the Darovcet last. Don't know why - because I just suffered more.
When I was pregnant with the boys around 32 weeks I had a really bad one and I got scared because I couldn't keep anything down, No food and worst no liquids. I hadn't peed in at least 24 hours. I called my OB and they told me to get to the hospital right away.
Then ended up admitting me over night. I was so dehydrated it wasn't even funny. They had to give me potasim (spelling??) and my elecytrilites(spelling???) were really bad.
They kept me on an IV for almost 24 hours. Plus they were able to manage my pain and provide me relief from my throwing up.
I only tell you this because I later found out that I could have gone into labor being that dehydrated. So if you feel the headaches are really really bad and you can't get it under control - call the doctor.
If the doctor won't or can't treat you find another one - you shouldn't have to suffer.