Find me someone on here who has never lost their cool with their kids and then that person can be the one to throw the first stone. Not that I am condoning her actions, but seriously is it really your place to call CPS? I sent Addie to bed the other night without dinner (she flat refused, threw a fit, was offered the dinner which she likes plenty of times and still refused, so she was sent to bed) so does that make me a CPS case? I blogged about it so I guess all of you who want to find my address/phone number/date of birth/number of speeding tickets I've ever gotten can get to work so you can send CPS to my house.
Honestly, the woman is nuts, but that's her problem and the problem of those who actually know her and her children, not the nest/bump/whatever. And, I think those who can hunt down all that info and are calling are just as nuts.
Re: I have to say I think some people are going overboard
I would say it's not the one action - it's not even the one or two swats that's disturbing.
It's all of the actions combined, the reason WHY she was swatting the kid, the way she writes about it, etc. That is what makes it disturbing, and quite frankly, why I'm not bothered people called CPS. Would I? I don't know, because what's CPS going to do... but there's a HUGE difference between disciplining your child (bed w/out dinner) and the way it's written about in that blog. It's all about the context of it for me... as much context as you can get from a blog.
I said it before, and I'll say it again - the blog comes off very mommy dearest, not mommy struggling and blogging about a rough day with her kids.
Yeah, this. You really think that's okay? To beat your child for 30 minutes for not saying "Hi Mommy"?
I've lost my cool plenty of times. I've made plenty of parenting mistakes. But I KNOW they are mistakes. I don't blog about how proud I am of emotionally & physically abusing my child & pretend like they are a pet I'm trying to train. All in the name of God.
ETA: I don't emotionally or physically abuse my child, which my previous paragraph kind of sounds like. I meant that I make mistakes.
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
I'm all for people contacting the right authorities about this. I don't think it's going overboard.
What's freaky is the lady, dunno which Nestie it is but it was posted on 0-6 I think...who contacted every talk show/news show under the sun. THAT is going overboard.
This crazybitch does not need that kind of limelight - talk about a perfect way for her to spew her crazy to as many people as possible. Yikes.
I don't think anyone here reported or called anyone. I can't say the same for the 0-6 board, though...apparently they went nutty bananas and called the whole world!
eta: I think what this woman does/did is deplorable...but I'm willing to bet it's not a cps case.
I find it sickening that someone wouldn't be concerned about it at all, internet or not. The lack of empathy for another human is sad, especially when the said human is helpless.
I guess I'm in the middle.
I found the info, only because I was curious how easily it could be found. (and the answer was: very easily.)
But I did not do anything with it, or make any calls, because while I find this upsetting, I'm not sure it meets the legal definition of abuse. And because it appeared that others had already taken steps to have it looked into.