hi ladies,
i EBF my daughter and my son is BFed about 50-75% of the time (for various reasons). as i'm sure you understand, i feel like i am always feeding one of them or both of them tandem. so, how do you find the time to squeeze in pumping in order to build up a store of frozen milk? i'm not going back to work for another 2 months, so i have some time.
what was your plan for building a stock of milk while at the same time you are pretty much constantly feeding someone?
Re: EBF moms...how to build a store of milk?
I haven't been able to build much of a store unfortunately. Every once in awhile I will pump enough to put in the freezer, and then a couple of days later I hit a slower patch and have to take some out.
I pump four times a day in addition to b/fing when I am with them, but I go to the office in the afternoons during the week, so I have to have enough milk pumped to leave with the nanny.
One thing that helps is pumping during the weekend. I try to pump no more than 45 minutes after feeding them. This is easier when they eat at the same time!