
EBF to build a store of milk?

hi ladies,

i EBF my daughter and my son is BFed about 50-75% of the time (for various reasons). as i'm sure you understand, i feel like i am always feeding one of them or both of them tandem. so, how do you find the time to squeeze in pumping in order to build up a store of frozen milk? i'm not going back to work for another 2 months, so i have some time.

what was your plan for building a stock of milk while at the same time you are pretty much constantly feeding someone?


Re: EBF to build a store of milk?

  • I wish I had the answer... As soon as I seem to have a "stash" started in the freezer, I seem to be taking from it.  One of my daughters still gets a "supplemental" BM bottle at most feedings.  I just try to pump as much as I can, often right after a feeding.
  • My LC (a MoM herself) recommended pumping for 5-10 minutes at the end of each nursing session.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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  • I EP when they were first born and were only taking like 2oz or less each and I was pumping over 6oz per session.  I would maybe do one session where you pump and they are bottle fed.  You'll likely produce more than they drink and that will help with a stash.  GL!
  • Right now my babies are drinking 3 oz from a bottle and that is exaclty what I pump if I pump from each side when I have not fed them.  So I don't have any extras either.  When they were taking only 2 oz at a time I was able to freeze a little bit b/c I would often pump a total of about 5 oz if I pumped when I had not fed them.  I have no time to pump during the day either b/c I often feed them seperately since tandem feedings aren't always very effective for me.  So I am wondering too how I will develop a good freezer stash.  We have already had to use some of our frozen milk from time to time when my supply seems to take a dip and I don't pump enough to feed them a full bottle.  I go back to work in a little less than 2 months so I'm hoping to somehow freeze something before going back to work.  We'll see how it goes.
  • I have not been able to do it - I supplement them with what I pump and use it for Daddy feedings. I have decided to not kill myself by pumping all the time (and I hate cleaning everything each time) - and if that means they are supplewmented with formula, that will not be the end of the world.  Do as much as you can, but try not to worry too much about it.
  • I haven't been able to build  much of a store unfortunately. Every once in awhile I will pump enough to put in the freezer, and then a couple of days later I hit a slower patch and have to take some out.

    I pump four times a day in addition to b/fing when I am with them, but I go to the office in the afternoons during the week, so I have to have enough milk pumped to leave with the nanny. 

    One thing that helps is pumping during the weekend. I try to pump no more than 45 minutes after feeding them. This is easier when they eat at the same time!

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