To put a pic in your sig or in a post you first have to have your pics uploaded to a hosting site like photobucket or snapfish.
Right click the image you want (make sure you're viewing the full-sized
picture and not the thumbnail, or preview), click Properties, and copy
the Address (URL).
Go to and put the URL into the input field there to make your URL small. Copy the resulting tiny url.
For a sig pic, this is the code (take our the *s):
IMO it is easier to use tinypic. just go to and upload your photo...make sure you select the "thumbnail' size. Then it will load for a few mins, and generate 3 or 4 different codes. Copy the very first one (HTML I think) and paste into your siggy. Ta da! Page me if you get stuck.
Re: Ladies please help
Here are the directions I use:
To put a pic in your sig or in a post you first have to have your pics uploaded to a hosting site like photobucket or snapfish. Right click the image you want (make sure you're viewing the full-sized picture and not the thumbnail, or preview), click Properties, and copy the Address (URL).
Go to and put the URL into the input field there to make your URL small. Copy the resulting tiny url.
For a sig pic, this is the code (take our the *s):
<*img src="tinyurlhere">
IMO it is easier to use tinypic. just go to and upload your photo...make sure you select the "thumbnail' size. Then it will load for a few mins, and generate 3 or 4 different codes. Copy the very first one (HTML I think) and paste into your siggy. Ta da! Page me if you get stuck.