It is a lady I worked with when we lived in Charlotte. She's in her 50's. She was married when I knew her, and now she's not (I don't know if she's divorced or widowed, but I guess that's not the point).
She has a boyfriend, Pat. Pat lives in Alaska and has cancer. Ex coworker (K), has apparently given him some money for his treatment (and still is). From what I gather, she has never met him in real life. I know she used to spend a lot of time on the internet IMing strange men. She has a picture of him, he's in a bar. Nothing of them together, and no other pictures.
He was supposed to move to Charlotte. This went on for months, every day there would be an update that something went wrong and he couldn't come then. He moved to California for treatment, because his doctor "doesn't think he's strong enough to move there for treatment." He's at baseball games all the time, though. He won't let "K" visit or move there with him.
It's all so weird, and I want so badly to tell her that she's being scammed. It seems like one of those stories from dateline.
There's really no other point to this post, but it's so weird and I wish I still knew her well enough to ask her some more questions.
Re: My FB friend is getting majorly scammed