
If you love to shop

Do you find that you have completely switched from buying stuff for you to buying stuff for DC?

I use to love to shop for me, now I shop for me when I have to get some clothes, but I would MUCH rather buy cute stuff for her.

I LOVE online shopping.  Seriously, it is the best thing ever.  Definitely improving my day.

Unfrotunately, my work is sooooo not getting done....

Re: If you love to shop

  • Yes, I totally do this. Although lately I've been buying myself maternity clothes.
    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • My addiction is shopping. I used to buy myself everything and anything under the sun and was always up the fashion/style. Since my dd was born nearly 3 years ago I hardly ever buy myself anything. I use my bday and Christmas for times to get bigger things for myself!!
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  • Definitely!  My dd is much cuter than I am, and she fits into everything, unlike myself!
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