My DD is 2.10 and we are having a really difficult time w/ pt. We tried going cold turkey to big girl underwear 2 weeks ago (let her pick them out). She understands that she needs to keep them dry but here's where the problem come in. She drinks plenty of fluid but can seriously hold her pee all day. She'll wake up wet and then won't pee until somewhere b/t 4-6 PM and then not go again the rest of the day until sleeping (she usually will have a BM at the same time). So DH picks her up from daycare tues and they tell him that she hasn't gone all day, he gets home and puts her on the potty and she still doesn't go until right before bath at like 730. We've tried bribing w/ treats, stickers, etc. She has only gone 1x on the potty in the 2 weeks and we went to the candy store for her to pick out a treat. I think that we should hold off for awhile and try again in a few weeks, MH thinks that we should keep going and that she'll get the hang of it. Any advice or tips would be appreciated. (I've talked w/ her pedi about the lack of going and worrying about a bladder inf and she wasn't too worried-said that some kids will hold it when PT)
Re: PT help PLEASE