DH's g-ma died today. We were expecting it, and now next weekend we have to drive 20 hours w/ a 2 year old in full-fledged terrible-twodom and a 2 month old who hates her car seat. G-ma was from NE and her DH was buried there years ago. All the grandkids are going, so DH's parents are being insistent to the point where we told them they could pay our way....and they agreed. They're paying our gas and hotel there and back. I'm going so as to be a support to DH, but I am not thrilled. If I had my way, we'd send a floral arrangement for the funeral and stay home. I know it sounds cold-hearted, but a 2-day drive, 2-3 day stay for a funeral, and 2 days back is going to suck. We can't fly b/c it's too expensive, and I won't fly with my 2 mo. old...she's too young IMO, and I hate flying. Sorry if anyone here is from NE, but there are just some places in this country I never ever intended or wanted to visit, and NB is one of them.
Re: I guess I'm off to Nebraska next weekend...Ugh!
Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
I'm sorry about your H's grandma and the trip does sound pretty awful, but Nebraska's really not as bad as you make it sound. I live here and love it. What area are you headed to? I've lived here my whole life and have family throughout the state, so if you want any input, feel free to email me or PM me if you don't want to post specifics here.
He did for his g-pa's funeral and was so lonesome b/c everyone else had someone there w/ them. I know it sounds funny, but he's just not one for being by himself and isn't someone who will just input himself into others' conversations and activities. Plus, I'm on summer break, so I really have nothing in the way of going besides my fear of the long drive.