How do you describe a wheeze? My 7mo old (and her older sister) have the colds from hell since last week and now both have horrendous coughs; very deep and coughing up bits of yellowy/green mucus (*sorry, gross*) When I have my hands on DD#2s back, it almost feels like a cat purring when she is breathing. She is not struggling for breaths otherwise so I'm not sure if its considered a wheeze or just congestion from the cold/virus. We have an appt. later this afternoon with our pedi so I'll have my answer soon enough. I'm just hoping it's nothing serious.
Re: Congestion vs. Wheezing?
That's *probably* just congestion. Wheezing is usually more... whispy or squeaky/whistly sounding. I have asthma, when it acts up it feels like when I breathe out and I'm done doing it, the breath continues on its own... ? Kinda.. it's hard to describe.
When Luc was little, the nurse told me to look at his chest for wheezing. If his chest really retracts when he takes a breath, then I know its wheezing. you can also hear a high pitch whistling sound which is the "wheeze".