So I know strollers are talked about constantly and hopefully this won't be an annoying "it's been answered 10,000 times" kind of post, but here goes
Are there any Double sit and stands besides the Big Caboose? Are there any SBS's that also have some sort of jump seat?
I like that with SBS's each child has a good view, but it seems like they wouldn't fit through ANYTHING. Tandems seem like it would really stink for the kid in the back. Can you get your SBS through doors, do your kids hate being in the back seat of the tanems?
Re: Double + Sit and stand? other double stroller Q's too
For what its worth my girls actually fight for who is going to sit in the back. I dont think they really care to see where we are going. If there is something for them to see they just look out the side or I turn the stroller sideways if we stoop to look at something. Plus I have a duo Glider and the back seat is just a tad higher so I think the backseat person can see over the head of the front seat person. Not sure, I havent really looked from that point of view.
But to answer your 1st question I think the Caboose is the only double sit n stand. I wish there was some sort of sit n stand hook on that could be added to any stroller. I know you can buy the little ride on that hooks to the back but it is only to stand on.
L is 4yrs now so we dont really have many times where he wants to ride in/on the stroller but with the duo Glider I allow him to stand on the basket part and hold the push bar while I push. This has worked for over a year now. I also sit him on top (where the back canopy folds back and whre the parent compartment is) and hold his legs/pants while I push. Of course that means I cant stop and let go but if he is tired its an option to allow him to sit for a few minutes. Plus now the girls are 3 (tomorrow) and can allow them to swap out. I know this isnt an option with newborns. (unless you bought a sling and wore a baby while your older dc rode for a little bit) I did that for a few months before I bought my triple. I had to have a triple for about 6 months when the girls got to heavy to wear all the time. Then when L turned 2 he hit a stroller strike and wouldnt ride in the stroller to save his life. That is when I bought my double. He would walk on a harness with me while I pushed the stroller.
Oh, and I would never have a side by side because its not just doors that you have to worry about fitting through. I take all 3 shopping with me quite a bit and a side by side would NEVER fit through clothing store racks. I sometimes (rarely) struggle to get my double through some stores that have their racks really close together. HTH.
I also got the VAlco Trimode Twin + toddler seat. It's very expensive- but we got it 2nd hand on craigslist and saved about $400. It's really the only option that would work since our DS would never stay in a sit and stand seat at his age.... and I have heard really bad reviews of the big caboose - and saw it in action once at a zoo and it looked impossible to get around.
other than wearing one baby and getting a double... or getting a hitch hiker board on a double - there really are not many choices other than the Valco. There is an Adventure Buggy but you have to get it shipped from out of the country.