Alabama Babies

Feet Swelling

Ok...I think I remember reading a similar post not too long ago, but I am asking again. Sorry if someone else already asked this.

Yesterday was my first day having swelling of the feet. I thought I was going to get away without it but I guess not. However, my right foot swelled a lot more than my left foot did and it is still more puffy today. Is this something that should concern me or that I should call my doctor about?

Re: Feet Swelling

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    I probably wouldn't call unless it was painful.  My right foot swells more than my left, and sometimes it is still puffy in the mornings.  My dr. said he doesn't worry about swelling unless it comes along with high bp or protein in the urine. 

    If you feel like you need to call, please do! It won't hurt just to check and they may be able to tell you signs to be concerned about or something else to look for.

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    aubie96aubie96 member

    Girl you look SO good in your siggy pic.  Love that top.

    Sorry, you know I can't offer much about pregnancy feet swelling.  ALTHOUGH my feel swelled up big time when we were walking so much in Italy, etc.  DEF try to elevate them during the day.

    Hope it gets better!!!

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    Feet swelling is definitely common in pregnancy especially in the later months.  Now if you see them excessively swelling then definitely call your doctor.  Also if you have headaches associated with it then definitely call your doctor!

    I would come home from work and my feet would be swollen and Dh would make me just sit there with my feet propped up. 

    Oh and don't be too alarmed but after the baby is born your feet will swell also.  Mine swelled really bad. 

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    I would just keep an eye on it.  It's probably fine but I've heard that if one is swelling more than the other then there could be a clotting problem.

    Definitely keep them propped and stay off your feet as much as you can.  It's pamper time!!!  :o)

    DD 6/17/08, DD 6/9/10, DD 12/15/11
    BFP 5/24/13 - Natural MC 6/7/13
    BFP 8/13/13 - Natural MC 8/27/13
    Ovarian Mass = removal of left ovary & tube 9/13
    BFP 4/24/14 - Tubal Pregnancy 5/7/14
    Removal of  ruptured right tube 5/8/14
    IVF or adoption??
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    Girl you look SO good in your siggy pic.  Love that top.

    Sorry, you know I can't offer much about pregnancy feet swelling.  ALTHOUGH my feel swelled up big time when we were walking so much in Italy, etc.  DEF try to elevate them during the day.

    Hope it gets better!!!

    ok, i also can't give advice regarding feet swelling b/c of pg, but i am dealing with feet/leg swelling b/c of surgery/broken ankle, and i also recommend keeping the legs elevated. at work i prop my legs up on my guest chair, and when i'm at home i do the same if i'm on the couch or in bed. i try not to put my feet down unless i have to (like to drive, or to go use the potty, etc.). i'm not sure how doable it is for you to keep your feet elevated all day, but it has helped me out tremendously. hth!

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