DH wants to take a road trip this summer up to Upstate NY.
That is a 19 hr (not including stops) drive. He would like to take 3 days to get there. 2 of those days he would like us to camp overnight (like tent camp) in Kentucky and NY.
I think he has lost his mind. I have taken the kids on a 9 hour road trip and while it wasn't miserable, it was long and I would rather fly.
Anyone have camping experience with 2 and would like to share their experience and also a list of things to bring. I don't think I will be able to persuade him not to do it.
Re: Camping with 2 toddlers?
My DH has taken DD camping twice, once at 3 and again a couple months ago at 4. She loved it! However, they went to a park only about 20 minutes away, just in case she freaked out in the middle of the night and wanted to come home. Although she did fine, she was EXHAUSTED the next day, and that was just from one night of camping.
My DS is 2 and I don't think he'll go camping for another year or so. He just moved into a toddler bed, and I don't know how he would do with trying to sleep in a sleeping bag. I think it would be stressful having to make sure he didn't run off constantly.
Can your DH take the kids camping somewhere very close by for just a night, as a trial run to see how they do? Personally, I think if we tried to do something like he's suggesting, with such a long road trip, our kids would be really tired and cranky the whole trip!
DD, 1/7/05 * DS #1, 1/25/07 * DS #2, 11/11/09
Baby #4, EDD 11/11/12
m/c 7/30/08 at 12 weeks (blighted ovum, emergency D&C)
dh is nuts only because of the drive! If he wants to camp go some place close by.
Where about in upstate are you going?
Morris NY!
I really would prefer that we took a close to home camping trip before then because DD isn't out of her crib yet so I can't even begin to think how she would be if she was let loose in a tent.
I'd be up for the long drive over several days, and I'd be up for camping, but not at the same time!
I'd try to compromise with, like you said, a close-to-home camping trip or the road trip with fun hotel stays.
It is a BEAUTIFUL area. The IL's live there. They own a crap ton of land on the outskirts of the city.
I really hope he comes to his senses and maybe he will decide we should just try camping on their compound before trying to camp in some state neither of us have camped in.
we took the girls camping last summer and they loved it (they would have been 4 and almost 3.)
HOWEVER---I just think camping is a LOT more work than staying at a stop, have to set everything up, the mroning, its pack everything back away. At a hotel, you can have one small bag with jammies and toiletries and outfit for the next day.,,,camping, not so much and it would annoy me to know that we could be driving and on the road, but no...we are tearing down a tent and rolling sleeping bags.
Sooo--I'd say...nah....but I don't think its impossible
Sounds miserable.
First, I LOVE camping. We love taking the kids camping. But- it's a lot of work getting the tent set up, a lot of stuff to pack, lots of work getting your site set up and torn back down. There is no way that I personally, even a a pretty experienced camper, would want to do that for just one night at a site AFTER driving all day. Um, no thanks.
We've done long car trips with the kids split into several days and just stayed at hotels along the way. Really, that sounds more ideal in your situation. (We drove to Texas with the kids over spring break, Washington DC a couple weeks ago and will go to New Hampshire later this summer.)
Camping is fun, camping is great- but if your dh wants to go camping choose a location and head there for a weekend with the kids. It's just way too much work for one night at a time.