The only reason it doesnt make me smile is because I won't be doing it. Instead I will be driving in the car, windows up because Jack doesn't like the wind, rockin out to imagination movers, on my way to Wal-mart.
change it to AC/DC or Pink Floyd and I'm so there lmao
Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06
If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant
My favorite verse!
The only reason it doesnt make me smile is because I won't be doing it. Instead I will be driving in the car, windows up because Jack doesn't like the wind, rockin out to imagination movers, on my way to Wal-mart.
Actually, I'd be fine with all of that except I would like to have my kid in the car. I kind of miss her today. Oh, and I guess I don't like coffee either. So it really wouldn't be the same.
Re: Picture this
Change that song to "Hold Back The Rain" off of Rio, and you got it.
I'm stuck in the office with ResBig.
Just driving with no kids makes me smile. I don't even need that other stuff.
I don't need the Prozac...just get rid of the Duran Duran! ICK.
COuld go for the iced coffee now though!
Actually, I'd be fine with all of that except I would like to have my kid in the car. I kind of miss her today. Oh, and I guess I don't like coffee either. So it really wouldn't be the same.