She posted a little later after that, and said that the results came back not too terribly high, but also not normal, and that they were going to do another test tomorrow...which would have been yesterday.
Thanks for thinking of us I have been out all day. We got the results from the second blood test and after a second opinion the Dr wants to retest in 3 months because according to the pediatric endocronoligist (sp?) her results were still a little off. We had the renal ultrasound yesterday so I am planning to meet with the ped when we get those results. Thanks!
Re: Did andrewsgal update on Emma?
sort of
She posted a little later after that, and said that the results came back not too terribly high, but also not normal, and that they were going to do another test tomorrow...which would have been yesterday.
Thanks for thinking of us I have been out all day. We got the results from the second blood test and after a second opinion the Dr wants to retest in 3 months because according to the pediatric endocronoligist (sp?) her results were still a little off. We had the renal ultrasound yesterday so I am planning to meet with the ped when we get those results. Thanks!