
at my wit's end re: dinner

First I have a very picky 2 year old. Wont' touch any kind of meat unless it's in nugget form. The only veggies he'll eat are corn and carrots. Every once in awhile I can get green beans into him. I will make dinner for us in the evenings. Without fail, jacob will push his plate away and say, "done." I know he can't possibly be done, but then dh will ask him if he wants a bagel or a waffle, adn of course he'll say yes! So this just feeds into the whole issue of him being picky, and not eating what I cook for dinner. The pedi said you are not a short order cook, he needs to eat what you serve. Well I won't put the poor kid to bed hungry, so what do i do? Half the time i don't even think he's hungry anyway, b/c he gets snacks over at daycare. I have to ask her to cut them out.

Re: at my wit's end re: dinner

  • I just saw the post below too. ooops....
  • Well, the first thing, as you mentioned is to make sure he's hungry.  I know that R usually isn't a big dinner eater, but she eats a lot during the day.  Our pedi said that it's fine.  As long as they are getting their calorie/nutrients sometime during the day, skipping dinner is not a big deal.

    That being said, if you really won't put him to bed without dinner, then maybe plan each meal to have 1 item you know he will eat.  This way, he's eating something that you are.  But, I certainly would not be offering other items if he refuses to eat.

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  • If we didn't eat what was for dinner growing up we weren't allowed anything else until breakfast.  My mom would save a plate of whatever she made and if we were hungry, that was all we were offered.  The only exception was if it was something she knew we specifically didn't like (i.e my sister never ate any dairy and I didn't eat fish) and then she offered an alternative for us.  I will do the same since I think it's the only way kids learn to eat whatever is offered.  GL!
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  • I never make anything different, regardless of who doesn't like what I made.  DS is required to at least try everything on his plate, and he has to finish his veggies before he can get up from the table.  DH tends to give him large servings, so I don't always make him finish everything, but at least the veggies. 

    Also, tell your DH to stop offering other options.  This is only adding fuel to the fire.  

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  • A toddler won't starve him/herself. If he doesn't want to eat, you can't make him, but you don't have to give him other food either. Just be firm and if he goes to be hungry, so be it. He'll figure it out!
    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • DS barely eats dinner. Sometimes he will eat a bite or two off of my plate, but that is it. I don't even make him his own plate anymore unless he really wants one. I think he eats enough during the day that he really just isn't hungry at dinner time.
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  • AlibabsAlibabs member

    I never make anything different, regardless of who doesn't like what I made.  DS is required to at least try everything on his plate, and he has to finish his veggies before he can get up from the table.  DH tends to give him large servings, so I don't always make him finish everything, but at least the veggies. 

    Also, tell your DH to stop offering other options.  This is only adding fuel to the fire.  


    This is good. Your DH is not helping the issue at all.  If your DS doesn't eat whats on his plate then he shouldn't get anything else. He won't starve. He's probably only doing that to get his Bagel or waffle.


    Good luck!


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  • We have cut out her morning & afternoon snacks, even limiting any liquids between meals so that she will eat decently at mealtimes.  I have also pushed back lunch & dinner time by an hour & that has also helped.  We are lucky if she eats one good meal a day.  We don't make anything special & she can eat her "leftovers" later if she is still hungry.  I have put her to bed "hungry", though is she really hungry if she didn't eat her dinner?
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