Parenting after a Loss

Anyone use Ventaire Advanced

bottles?  We have been using the drop-ins and like them but when we were getting more drop ins today we picked up one of the Ventaire bottles just to try since it says it will reduce gas, spit up and colic.  Anyone seen any improvements when using these bottles?

Re: Anyone use Ventaire Advanced

  • jen3jen3 member
    We use them and have very little problems.  My DS spits up rarely and when he does it is only a small amount.  I really like them. 
  • We used drops ins was DS was first born.  I couldn't figure out the 8-10oz. ones so we switched to Ventaires.  I love them!  DS has never had any gas issues.
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  • We used them at first, but out of nowhere they started leaking out the bottom ring.  It was really odd-- one day one leaked, then the next a couple more started leaking and before long we were down to like one working bottle!  Someone else on here had the same problem.  Recently one of the babies at school had the same issue with her bottles in the middle of the day. 

    The print also rubbed off on mine, right where my thumb rested... whiched happened to be around the 2 or 3ish oz mark.  That's an important one for a while!

  • Meant to tell you... we use Dr. Brown's for the stomach issues and they work marvelously.  Someone just told me they saw the Dr. B's bottles at Odd Lots (or Big Lots... are they the same?)  If you have one nearby, it would be worth checking out. 
  • I didn't notice any difference between Drop-Ins and Ventaire Advanced.  I prefer Drop-Ins...less parts to clean.
  • love LO is rarely gassy and almost never spits up...this is all we ever I am not sure if we are lucky or if the bottles really work GL!
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  • Isla rarely spits up, unless she eats too much or the nipple is too fast flow. Avent has the slowest flow nipple available and I like that I can see the bubbles rising to the to of the milk instead of her swallowing them. At first these are the only bottles that worked for us, but now we're more flexible. Dr Browns are my 2nd fave
  • cmbrowncmbrown member
    we use them.  she still has gas and spits up, but i think it is more from reflux.
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