Baby Names

SSA list of twin names

I didn't realize they kept record of this as well. List is here. I can't believe that there were 14 sets of Heaven and Nevaeh! It seems like most of the names are boy twins, which I guess makes sense because there is less variation/innovation in boys names, making it more likely for names to double up.

Re: SSA list of twin names

  • The rhyming names are just wrong. Poor Ella and Emma
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  • 14 sets of Heaven/Nevaeh's? Yikes!

    I was watching maury on monday (don't flame!) and there was a 15yr old girl who wanted a baby, slept with random men to get KU and swore she had all she needed for a baby. She had a trash bag stuffed with random baby clothing.  Any guesses as to the name she had picked out???

    Nevaeh Heaven lastname. 

    No shocker there huh?

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  • Wow! Some of those are AWFUL!  Autumn and Summer?  Heaven and Nevaeh?  And some are really similar.  Ella and Emma.  Jada and Jaden.  I've been on the nest so long I forgot how many people really like matchy twin names!  My favorite was Alexander and Nicholas.  Those were Uncle Jesse's twins' names on Full House. Smile
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  • Wow, most of those combos are WAAAY to close.  Taylor and Tyler?  Emma and Ella?
  • imageSoon2BMrsN:
    Wow, most of those combos are WAAAY to close.  Taylor and Tyler?  Emma and Ella?

    True story. May aunt has a son and a daughter born 3 years apart, the dauther is Taylor, the Son is Tylor it's wrong really.

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  • I can get over the rhyming names...I don't see the big deal.

    The made up ones on the other hand...ick. It's bad enough when people are bored enough to dream up one bad name...but two?

    I know twins named Sidney and Nicholas. I like that.


  • LMS05LMS05 member
    I went to high with twins named Anna and Ivanna and another set Adrian and Adriana.?
  • Yuck!

    I actually get people asking why we didn't do closer names LOL

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  • naflmjnaflmj member
    yea, that is Taylor and Tyler...thats bad too
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  • My sister has a friend named Shana... which IMO is bad enough, but her dad's name is shawn and so is her brother's.  Just Terrible.
  • I was shocked when I saw this.  Most of the twins I know don't have matchy names at all.  I can't believe that there are so many twins that do.
  • All the matchy names: yuck!

    Also, 15 sets of Summer/Autumn...really?



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  • My pastor's name is Erik and his sister is Erika :) My MIL is Beverly and her sister is Barbara.

    I don't think I could name my twins (if I had them) with the same letter, or the same sound. It's bad enough you can't tell them apart half the time! (if they're identical)

  • I might be able to name twins with the same letter, but I would NEVER do an "Alexander, Alexis" type of thing. Something like Alexis and Adrian, that's another story.
  • Wow, some of those are wayyy too matchy. If I had twins, they'd be named as though they were born at different times- like Elizabeth and Catherine or David and William

    I do not see the need for matchy-match.

  • I know identical twins names Annette and Jannette.
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  • MIL has twin sisters named Elaine and Lorraine.  MIL also has twin boys but they are Jacob and Zachary so I thought those were good choices (they are almost 17 now)
  • I have taught one or both of these twinsets:

    Octavia and Octavian (both girls)

    Bryan and Ryan

    Ramod and Rashod


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