
did you go by percentile when switching to regular milk?

armoarmo member
My girls are almot 50th percentile in weight for adjusted age, but 25th for actual.  Pedi said we can switch to regular milk any time at their 12 month visit.  I'm thinking i'd like to wait until 1 year adjusted..  esp one dd is skinner than the other and she's still on enfacare.  what did you do?

Re: did you go by percentile when switching to regular milk?

  • We waited until C was 12 months adjusted to make the switch (per pediatrician's recommendation) but we did start introducing milk in cups at meals because she started refusing the bottle around her birthday.  It was an easier transition I think because we did it that way. 
  • I just discussed this with our Pedi who is also a practicing Neonatologist...she wants us to switch at their ACTUAL birthday, and my girls STILL aren't even on the charts.
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  • We switched at one year and DS was in the 25% for his actual age.

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