
This kid is just not going to have a name

I realize I've still got three months to go but I cannot get DH to talk about names, pick up a book, even think about a name and I like to have a few in mind to mull over for a while before the baby is born. I'm really struggling with boy names, I found picking a girl's name to be so much easier!
Nadia Irene 8/13/07 Reid Owen 8/18/09

Re: This kid is just not going to have a name

  • This baby is going to be nameless.  I have about 3wks to name her.  I don't even have it narrowed down.  We're going to be leaving the hospital with Baby Girl. 
  • I know what it's like to struggle with a boys name. We had to jointly decide on a first and middle name for our first son..... and then for our second son.... and then for our third son! It was slim pickin's by the time we had to decide on our 5th and 6th boy names (our last sons first/middle). If I were you, I'd just start narrowing down the list yourself and by the time the baby comes if he still isn't "into it", just tell him to pick between two that you've chosen. :)

    Here's some ideas (my boys' names)

    Dylan Jacob

    Cameron Daniel

    Gabriel Walker

    Good luck!

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