
U/S- I don't think I get nearly enough!

After reading the pp and the responses about how often it is normal to get U/Ss, I am worried that maybe my doctor isn't doing the right thing.


The only U/S I have had was the one I had at 5 weeks when we found out we were having twins.  My next one is May 21st (I will be 16 weeks at the Peri) and after that I guess I get one once a month at the Peri.   Is that normal to have to wait from 5-16 weeks to get a second u/s?  I really like my doctor, but I am starting to worry that maybe she isn't experienced enough with multiples.  Did anyone else have to wait until 16 weeks to get a second u/s?

Re: U/S- I don't think I get nearly enough!

  • Sorry, 18 weeks....  my next u/s is at 18 weeks!  I am exhausted and can't think today!
  • I had my first one at 17 weeks, to confirm twins. After that I had one every time I had a pre-natal check up, so every 4 weeks until x amount of weeks, then every 2 weeks until 36 weeks and then every week until I birthed them. I honestly would have been good with 3 ultrasounds total. But Baby B had some initial kidneys issues which totally resolved themselves in time. If you are uncertain of your doctors qualifications you should ask your doctor about their experience with multiples.
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  • Thanks!  I know she has twin experience, but I would like to ask how much.  I just got nervous seeing how often some of the other girls had them.  I wasn't sure what was typical for twin pregnancies.  It makes me feel much better that your schedule was much more similar to mine.  I am really looking forward to this upcoming u/s!
  • I'm in the same boat -- I had my first at 7w1d, then my second one today at 18w5d. I felt like it was forever in between as well, but figured both my OB and peri knew best. I will have more from here on out, but I know the waiting can be hard!
  • I had my first doctor's appointment yesterday and she said that I would get a u/s every time because if they just used the dopler they would have no idea which baby's heartbeat they were listening to.  I know that's not much help, but figured I'd let you know my experience.  H&H pregnancy!
  • I have one monthly now, but that will change to every 2 weeks soon.

    I will do cervical length checks every week, but that may be every other week.

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  • i got them at every visit
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I had my first u/s at 17 weeks.  After that, it was about every 3 weeks or so.  My doctor was a MFM and I was considered high risk before the discovery of triplets.  That's just how that hospital operated - and it is considered one of the best hospitals in the country.  It really depends on your doctor.


  • That sounds about right.  I've had them monthly.  At 17 weeks I saw a peri, then not again until 28, though I still had u/s b/t.  I think the big thing is that your OB works with a peri (I switched obs b/c my old one laughed when I asked if I would be seeing a peri at all throughout the pregnancy.  Based on my Dr.  the majority of twin-related complications develop after the 18 weeks mark anyway.  If you're not comfortable with your dr. and don't trust him, you can switch...
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  • pea-kaypea-kay member

    me! and i had triplets! i had my first one at 7w, then my next official one at 16w. i say "official" because i have a friend who's an OB who did a bunch of them in the intervening weeks. i think i would have gone insane otherwise.

    ETA: also, my OB said they were just going to treat me like a normal singleton pregnancy until about 20 weeks anyway, which they did. i don't necessarily think that was right, but luckily we didn't have any issues.

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  • I had one at 8wks (when we found out it was twins!) and another at 12.  Usually my office just does a Doppler for hb at 12 weeks but she said twins are still too close together to definitely hear two separate hbs to they did another u/s.  From here on out it is every 4 weeks at least and then they happen more often as the pregnancy progresses into third trimester.
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