OK this is a poll for everyone who has had a kid. Cloth, disposable, both, whatever. I guess if you only ever do EC method it wouldn't apply, but I think that's pretty rare, most parents need at least some sleep :-)
What do you do with the diaper after you take it off and before you put it in the "bin" (whether that is a bin for disposables or a bin to collect for laundering cloth).
I found I ended up having to put it on the ground (obviously without leaking out on the floor) while I dealt with the dirty bum, then put the new one on, then put DS somewhere safe (in the crib as an infant, now he can play around on his own) while I take the dirty diaper to the bin.
Its not a poll about whether you empty the contents in the toilet first or anything. Just the physics of not being able to reach/handle putting the diaper in the bin while holding the dirty bottom off the change table so IT isn't also in need of a clean before the new diaper. KWIM?
This has bothered me for ages, DS plays in that room and I hate him rolling around on the floor near the changetable where I have to put the diaper down. I know I wipe it over regularly, and I know it doesn't leak but it grosses me out.
Yet another reason to thank God PTing is nearly done!
Re: POLL where do you put the diaper...
THIS is what has bothered you for ages??? ok.....hahaha..that's funny...like did you lose sleep over this? Kidding.
We dont' have an official changing table...just a long dresser the right height that I put a curved changing pad on one end....the basket of essentials and wipes on the other...there is room on that other end to put the soiled diaper before bringing it to the garage. On occasion (now that Mitch is so long) he has kicked it, which leads to a foot and leg wash....but for the most part it is fine. And I keep clorox disinfectent spray on the changing table to spray off the dresser...not good for the wood, but it was a cheap dresser anyways.
MMML---well, that would be helpful, if you put that you are proud to be into hygiene and all in your siggy, but something tells me there is a lot about yourself that you are proud of, and if you put everything about yourself that you are proud of in your siggy.....we all would have to scroll for days.
Hygiene is important to me as well.....but I don't have to be "proud" of it.....its a wierd thing to be proud of.