Now he's claiming that the front yard isn't watering (it is) and its my fault for the grass dying (its not - its transitioning from winter grass to summer). I've offered to teach him how to program the controller (he won't learn) and if he knew that bermuda doesn't come out of dormancy until its at least 70 degrees out overnight, then he wouldn't be so mad.
God forbid I try to teach him a little about something I know a lot about. But then that would make me a jerk. Again.
Thank god for Saturday morning basketball. I'm going to find something do to do out of the house when he gets home. I can't even stand it anymore.
Re: Ugh. Now its the lawn. Seriously??
Ditto this. Can he not fend for himself when you are away?
He did so well while I was away - taking care of Lucas, the house, everything. It wasn't until I came back that everything has fallen apart (aka he realized that my full attention wasn't on him but also on my brother, my mom, work, being pg and Luc).
you are SUCH a grass nerd.
I love it. Sorry husbands are like giant additional children!