I know I've mentioned this book before but, I was able to see her in person last nigh when she gave a presentation to my church. She is so amazing and fun. Everything she says about cooking dinner everynight makes sense: keeping the family together, teaching your children. (just like that stoffers commercial about kids getting better grade and talking to their parents)
She basically has a theme for every night of the week.
Monday - Comfort food
Tuesady - Italian
Wed - Meatless/Fish Breakfast
Thurs - Mexican
Friday - Pizza
Sat - Grill - hamburgers hotdogs
Sunday - Traditions like roast beef and potatos.
You plan for two weeks at a time and can use any recipes. The ones in her book are great because they are easy to make and taste great. You can save so much money by cooking homemade over time. It does cost more at first of you don't already cook because you have to buy alot of the basic stuff.
I hope this helps someone.
Re: Cookbook rec: The food nanny - rescues dinner.