Michelle did great at her Eval. she scored over all below average but she does NOT qualified for special ed. intergrated preschool.
This is great honestly BUT what do I do now....she is doing pretty good right now but her preschool teacher thinks she's gonna have a very rough time in the 3 yr old program.
Do I have her repeat the 2 yr old program or do I try to push her in the 3 yr old program. I'm seriously wondering if its a good idea to put her in the 3 yr old program and then I myself volunteer to be her "aide" But she needs to get away from ME as her mommy. This sucks...this limbo inbetween thing.
I dont know!!!!!!! I'm more confused than ever. I called our EI coordinator...jsut waiting hear back from her.
Thanks for all the good wishes from my earlier post and thanks for letting me vent.
Re: Very good news but now I'm even more confused re: M's eval.
Could you work more with her at home to reinforce what she is doing in preschool? I think as long as she has the necessary skills for Kindergarten it doesn't matter how she gets there. Maybe talk to one of the Kindergarten teachers in your area about what to work on.
Good news though!
I agree with BostonMama-- you can always move her back, and maybe she'll surprise you
I thought her post said...
she scored over all below average
I'd keep her in the 2 year old program. She has a mid September b-day and I'd be questioning starting her when she is 4 almost 5 if she were mine.
We are chosing to keep Matthew behind and we may end up putting him in the pre-school disabilities classroom rather than the pre-school inclusion class next year. He's really struggling.