I am 32 weeks pregnant. Today I was seen by my OB, and they did a growth scan. Baby A (girl) measured to weigh about 3 lb 15 oz and then baby B (boy) measured to weigh 5 lb 2 oz. On 4/1, she was 2 lb 11 oz and he was 2 lb 15 oz. Because of this weight disconcordance, they are referring me to the peri to have another ultrasound done to reweigh each baby. I am to be seen by the peri in 2 weeks for the next ultrasound/growth scan. Just wondering if any of you experienced this and what the outcome was. Also, curious to know how they were so close on 4/1 and how they have gotten so different. What could be causing her to be so small and him to be so big??? Please help! Do I need to worry?????
Re: Weight disconcordance
I had IUGR throughout most of my pregnancy with my first set. They delivered me at 36w2d because the smaller baby's cord was only intermittently working and she had stopped growing. At birth, they weighed 3 lbs. 4 oz. and 5 lbs.
I would be concerned about waiting two weeks to see the peri. Could you call your peri and see if they can get you in sooner?
It could just be a mistake in the measurements, but I would want it rechecked ASAP.
I agree with the pp, I would want a follow up u/s a lot sooner then in 2 weeks.
Ours had a weight difference as well, which is why I opened the post, but ours shared a placenta, so I don't think any of my info would pertain to you. Also, all my u/s were done at my peri's.
But I would definitely be on the phone tomorrow scheduling my u/s for this week or early next week. I wouldn't want to wait. It could be nothing..the measurements the Dr's office took could just be wrong, but I'd still want it to be checked sooner. No reason for worry for 2 weeks!