TTC after 35

***Weekly Check In***

This is the weekly check in post for TTC After 35.
Everyone is welcome to join!  Page Hav2run with your
info or add it to the weekly post and I will be happy to
add you.  A question of the week will be posted weekly and
everyone is welcome to post their updates for the week here too.  
I will try to get the post up on Wednesday nights.

Currently TTC

Nest Name-Age, Location, TTC since

Brosis-37, OH, TTC since 2/07
Marriedayooper-40, IL, TTC since 7/07
BirdieBrd-37, MI, TTC since 9/07
njdcgirl-37, VA, TTC since 9/07
oneandonlyyou-35, NH, TTC since 9/07
leslieb923-39, CT, TTC since 10/07
DrVWife-36,PA, TTC since 11/07
Indianasunshine-39, TX, TTC since 11/07
livvielo-36, NJ, TTC since 1/08
QE2-38, NJ, TTC since 3/08
FrannyS, 39, PA, TTC since 3/08
lilacfritz-36, NY, TTC since 6/08
NHnative-37, MA, TTC since 6/08
saverchic-34, IL, TTC since 7/08
pnltybox-37, NJ, TTC since 8/08
Stacia1633-39, MI, TTC since 8/08
akgram-35, IA, TTC since 8/08
Lebraly-36, MD, TTC since 9/08
tkcarnes-38, MI, TTC since 9/08
LizzyB11-38, IN, TTC since 9/08
ChartBart-39, NM, TTC since 9/08
rlkjos-35, NC, TTC since 9/08
Shyntrue-41, OH, TTC since 10/08
Baze2-38, OH, TTC since 12/08
annies123-36, LA, TTC since 12/08
itsmexine-38, CO, TTC since 12/08
CathyMD-38, Canada TTC since 1/09
HollyMichael-37, IL, TTC since 1/09
GymDogFran-39, GA, TTC since 1/09
ecu1995-35, NC, TTC since 2/09
hav2run-39, OH, TTC since 2/09
MrsPeachyKeen-34, GA TTC since 2/09
NowDNAtoo-38, VA, TTC since 3/09
Married2MrWright-35, OK, TTC since 3/09
Julia-Henry-39, NY, TTC since 4/09
Sassystace-34, OH, TTC since 4/09
amnda1130-34, IL, TTC since 4/09

TTC over 35 Mommies to be:  Success Stories!
Please let me know when I can add you to this list!

Nest Name    AGE    EDD        TTC Since


What is one positive thing you have learned or experienced while TTC?

Don't forget those updates.  Who is in the 2WW?  When are you
planning to test?  O dates?  Whatever you want to talk about!

Check your information in the list above and let me know if I
need to fix anything.

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Re: ***Weekly Check In***

  • well lets see here is my update. i am on my second round of clomid cd5-cd9 this is day 2 of my pill. I am hoping this works this month if not we will up the clomid to 100 mg and doing an iui.


    QOTD- I have learned to be patient and try not to get so upset and include DH in on everything.

  • Nest Name    AGE    EDD        TTC Since
    My Nest Name is Shells035 and I am 37.  We just started TTC DC #2 this month and are hoping that it is as easy as it was to get pg with the first one.  

    I look forward to sharing all of the ups and downs we experience with all of the women on this board. 

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  • Update: CD16 and still no O in sight.  I think I'm headed towards a cycle like last one where I O on CD23 and had a 5 day LP.

    QOTW: The positive I experienced was from my first TTC was getting Nicholas after 18 patience trying cycles and 3 mc.  I also learned that you don't always have control so you need to learn to give it up.  It took me a long time to finally accept everything was out of my control and I would still get upset when AF showed up, but by the end while working with my RE I was getting better at it.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker TTC #1 Cycle #18 m/c Jan. 9, 2007, chemical pg May 4, 2007, methotrexate shot Oct. 5, 2007--m/c Oct. 9, 2007, IUI Nov. 17, 2007 It worked! beta 11/30 & 12/6 TTC #2 Cycle #5 IUI July 20, 2009 -BFN 8-3-09 Cycle #6 IUI August 17, 2009-BFP! 8-31-09, beta 9-1-09, 9-8-09, saw the H/B 9-22-09 EDD 5-10-10
  • QE2QE2 member

    I'm in my first week of stims for IVF #1 with 8 follies. It's still too early to tell how I'm responding, but Friday's u/s will give us a better idea. We will continue to move ahead as long as I have 3 follies mature.

    Two positive things that I have learned while TTC is the I have a wonderful, loving and supportive husband, and that my mother has become my best friend. ?

    TTC since 3/08 DOR, High FSH, Hypothyroid, Uterine Polyps, blocked tube, MFI, 5 rounds of clomid, 5 IVF attempts, 2 hysteroscopies, 2 natural conceptions=2 losses (Methotrexate, D&C) Successful DE cycle twins born 10/7/11 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Nest Name - Another Chance

    Age - 36

    Location - Florida

    TTC since - April 2009

    I'm living in cramps city right now.  I'm looking forward to Thursday when they'll be gone and I can get a good night's sleep.

    The positive thing I have experienced while TTC is this board! Oh, and one positive thing I've learned is that despite being very scared of the whole thing, DH is really excited about having a child with me.  It's so sweet!

  • imagehav2run:

    What is one positive thing you have learned or experienced while TTC?


    I have learned that my DH is willing to do anything to get a BFP.  This five day wait for the SA is driving him crazy but he keeps telling me it is worth it for us to have a baby!

    My only update is that I am in the 2WW and DH has SA on Friday am.

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  • Hi ladies!

    My update: I'm pregnant! (holy crap, I can't believe I just said that!) I had my first beta on Monday--it was 196. Today's number: 579. Yahoo! I go for my first ultrasound next week. (We did 150mg Clomid/trigger/IUI this's the first dose of Clomid that worked and my first IUI.)

    And the positive thing? I guess the reminder what a wonderful man my husband is. He has been nothing but supportive and loving and caring as I've gone through my IF rollercoaster of emotions. And he's *so* excited about this pg that it makes me touched to see another side of him.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Please add me. 

    Lucky&Lola, 35, LA, TTC since 4/08.

    I'm on CD 21 now, usually go to 30.  I'm trying to be relaxed about it, as hard as it is!  I'm seeing the RE for the first time tomorrow and I'm super excited to finally be getting "a plan"!

    QOTW: I've learned how much my husband really wants this with me.  He's been so supportive and right there with me being sad when we a BFN.

    TTC #1, Cycle 22 - Jan 2009 IUI , Femara & Follistim: 7/21/09: BFN Multiple rounds of Clomid June 2012: Decided to move on to IVF after 3 more rounds of Clomid Sept 2012: Got a call from a friend asking us to adopt her baby
  • QOTW:  I learned to jump on DH every chance I get and to enjoy it regardless of what part of my cycle I am in.  I also learned that I have the most supportive partner I could ever ask for.  I was also humbled into learning patience.  23 months is a long time to be uptight!

    I am waiting for AF to arrive any second.  I already have symptoms way beyond any hope for a BFP and I think I was anovulatory this cycle.  Angry

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  • Hi there,

    I'd love to be added!

    L2theC42, 36, TTC since 1/09.

    Unfortunately, we've had 2 m/c's. ?I am waiting for an AF after D&C. ?Also going for some testing to see what's going on.

    ??~~ I've learned how fragile this process really is. ?I always knew having a baby was a miracle - I just didn't know how much of one!?

  • I'm still waiting to O, going on day 22....

    Something positive....  I've been eating better & trying to exercise more to get healthier.   And that I am not alone & that you ladies are a great support system!  And my DH is a WONDERFUL supportive person!

    I want to wish good luck to Everyone!

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  • Hi ladies -

     I'm on day 10 (I think?) of stims for my IVF cycle.   Things looked better today - 6 good follicles instead of the 3 on Mon.  ER is probably Saturday with a likely 3dt next Tuesday.  Super bloated. : )


    QOTD: A couple of positive things: I cherish my son (also from IVF) in the knowledge of the miracle it took to make him. Also, my husband is my champion and 100% supportive, and this process has just reinforced that.

    Good luck to everyone!

  • I am on cd8. I saw the RE on friday. DH does his sample for SA tommorrow am (he is so uptight about makes me smile) He jsut keeps saying I have always done this in private. No one should know when I do this..giggle giggle (from me)..the he said It is worth it to have a baby with you. We are doing IUI for the first time next cycle. NO MESSING around with this doc..

    QOTD: I have learned that my dreams of just turning up pregnant are not going to be become a reality and that is OK. I realized that my husband and I are truly happy together..with or without a baby. However, with a baby would be a different happy! does that make sense?

    "Onward"--CathyMD Waiting since 07/5/2011 for our forever child! Yep we are adopting!
  • I am still waiting to hear if my progesterone levels are good 10 dpo. Two BFN's this month, so AF should start by Saturday. I will try one more month of CBEFM and see what happens.

    I am trying not to get stressed out by keeping busy with family.


  • Hi!  This is my first cycle trying for baby #2. DD is 22 months now and we are ready to try this again.  I am excited because I 'think' I o'd--still waiting for 2 more high temps to make FF happy-- and so the 2ww begins.  I am hopeful that our timing was good so we'll see!

    QOTW:  One positive thing I've learned while TTC is that my body is fairly predictable and with all my charting and o-testing I am getting to know more about how it works.  (I'm a science nerd by nature and therefore enjoy this in a twisted way ;))

  • Hi all!

    Update: IUI #3 was a bust...onto cycle 3 with IUI for this cycle since we will be on vacation....just waiting for AF to show up.

    I have learned that my DH really is the most amazing man in the world and I could never imagine my life without him.

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  • Hi Everybody!

    Just did my trigger shot about an hour ago! ?10 days of stims and probably 10 eggs, maybe a couple more. ?Retrieval is on for Friday morning at 8:15. ?I have to work until 10 tomorrow night, so since there's no eating after midnight I guess I'll be enjoying my final meal in the restaurant at work!

    QOTD: ?I married the right guy the second time around! ?My ex would have NEVER gone through all of this. ?My DH is a complete saint, and I can't wait until we are parents. ?Other than IF, I am living the dream!?

    Image  by TinyPic Me 43, DH 49 Married November 3, 2007 TTC #1 since November 2007 First RE appointment May 13, HSG 5/17- tubes are clear, SA - very good, FSH 6.8, rubella immunity, saline sonogram 7/2 - uterine polyps, hysteroscopy date FINALLY 9/4! Blood pressure and thyroid are under control! Come on BFP!!!! My Blog IUI#1 1/14 , AF=BFN 1/28, IUI #2 3/9, AF=BFN 3/20 Cycle 20 IVF #1 = BFP!!! Beta #1- 196 Beta #2- 784 Egg retrieval 5/1 - 11 eggs! Update 5/2 - 9 mature, 7 fertilized! Embryo transfer 5/6 - transferred 2 beautiful blasts and have one snowbaby Induction scheduled for 01/11/10 - 38 weeks, 1 day April 3, 2012 FET with snowbaby (identical twins) BFN and a big broken heart Moving on to DE Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker8/2012-Donor chosen! 9/2012-12/2012-Donor passed all testing, off BC pills, waiting to complete 2 full cycles. 12/16/2012-cannot move forward with donor, cycles not regulating. 12/17-New proven donor 1/11- started Lupron on our baby boy's 3rd birthday 
    Egg retrieval 2/27 - 27 eggs, 24 mature, 19 fertilized
    Embryo transfer 3/4 - 2 beautiful, hatching blasts and nothing left to freeze.  Beta #1 461 9dp5dt. Beta #2 1230 11dp5dt.
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  • Update on me CD9 using CBEFM and FF charting.  Cycle #1 and so excited that I got my first high reading on CBEFM. Unfortunately traveling currently so can't jump DH but trying to return tomorrow night instead of Friday! Supposed to O on Saturday.

    QOTW The most surprising thing for me thus far is how amazing my DH has been.  It has taken him almost three years to decide if he wants kids, now that he has made the decision he is all in.



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  • Please add me to the list.  Thanks!  Smile

    rebelina1-35, CO, TTC #2 since Sept. '08

    What is one positive thing you have learned or experienced while TTC?

    Try to have as much fun as possible!

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  • Hi ladies,

    I am on cd 3 of cycle 6. 


    What is one positive thing you have learned or experienced while TTC?

    I have learned so much about my body and how it works, I am truly dumb founded by how little I actually knew when beginning TTC. Thank goodness for TCOYF, FF, OPKs, and CBEFM.  Oh and I never knew how much I like to POAS Big Smile

    And how fortunate I am to have such a wonderful husband, I may have found him later in life but I wouldn't change it. I just love him beyond words and am thankful every day because he is so thoughtful and loving. He is my rock.

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  • Hello all, this seems to be a perfect time for me to introduce myself.  I won't be 35 until September but hope you'll accept me in the meantime.  I'm in CA, San Jose to be precise.  Ray and I will have been married 2 years come July.  I know it's crazy, but I'm a teacher and we're trying to schedule our EDD so I don't have to go back to school until August and get as much time off with the baby as possible.  We'll be waiting out this cycle and will start 'really' trying in May/June.  I had a Mirena for 5 years and had it removed 2 cycles ago....that's been an interesting experience.

    The most positive thing I've learned so far is how much my DH cares for me and wants to take care of me.

    Mrs.BoomBoom-34, CA, TTC since 5/09

  • Hi!  Thanks for posting this.  My age is listed as 35, but I won't be until November.  No biggie...

    What have I learned since starting to TTC?

    You can never go back (I was feeling regretful about not being ready too TTC when I was younger) and no matter what you do, it's pretty much out of your control.  I mean, you can chart, time sex perfectly, take the right supplements, etc. but really, it's beyond our control.  I am really learning to practice patience, which has never been my strong suit, and surrender this process to that which is greater than myself.

    I am supposed to O later this week (Fri-Sun) and despite midcycle spotting (which I never have) I am feeling somewhat optimistic.  Best of all, I really enjoy that DH and I have made physical intimacy a priority.  We had been slipping into the habit of not making it important enough and there were many months where we'd go weeks between making love.  Now that we're TTC it's like we're making up for some lost time and it's fantastic. 

  • Hey hav2run,


    I think I am ready to be added to the Success Stories <breaks out into cold sweat>. I hope I'm not jinxing anything.

     QOTW: One postive thing I've learned from TTC is that there is nothing my DH won't do for me. 

  • Oooooh, add me please!

    I'm 36 (will be 37 in May), live in VA and TTC since 9/08. 

    Currently, Aunt Flo is visiting so I've been able to control my anxiety with a glass of wine here and there.  

    The most positive thing I have learned is that I'm not alone in a lot of the crazy mixed-up feelings I've been having.  I was beginning to think I was losing it but thanks to the wonderfully supportive women on this board, I'm postponing my one-way ticket to the rubber room. 

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  • I am in the 2ww, but really just waiting for AF (timing was off due to girl's trip).  She should be arriving sometime in the next couple of days.  I have a dr. appt scheduled for next week so I am hoping we can start some testing.

    QOTW: I can't believe how much I have learned about my body. Why didn't they teach us any of this information in health class?  By the end of this journey, I hope that I can also say that I have learned some patience and how not to worry so much.  I am still working on this one!

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  • Update:  I am currently CD4 on Cycle #5.  I have an apppointment on CD15 with gyn for annual and to discuss next steps.  Maybe I'll get a BFP before "next steps" since I'll be O-ing around appointment time :)

    QOTD:  As others have said, I have learned that my DH is willing to go through whatever advanced technological procedures and financial outlay we need to to get this done!  (Despite what I said about his hesitance to give up his nightly toddy :) )

  • Update:  In the dreaded two week wait. Blah!  Oh, and we are waiting to hear back from the RE about DH's second SA. 

     Postive thing's about TTC;  I'm gonna go with this board too. It's nice to share in the process with others who know what it's like.

  • Thanks for doing this!

    My info: Joyfulnature, 39, PA, since 12/08

    My update: I wasn't around last week because I went home to see my parents. Some of you might remember that my mom is being tested for lupus? Well, she's still being tested - the results came back inconclusive. But her spirits are good. And I spoiled her rotten while I was home.

    I wasn't charting while I was there, because I didn't want to realize I was ovulating when DH wasn't around. I thought that would really bum me out. But I met up with him at our cabin on Friday, and what should appear? EWCM!  

    My temps are up, and I'm now officially in the 2WW.

    Confession: Not only was I not charting, but I was very naughty, having two cups of coffee if I felt like it, for example. It was almost like a mini-break from TTC. Hate to admit it, but I really enjoyed that mental break from obsession - not to mention, I love coffee! 


  • Nest Name    AGE    EDD        TTC Since

    princess_shelly  35  officially starting ttc#2 n May'09 just waiting for AF to come


  • I love that you do this! And that you're so organized with everybody's info! Lots of work went into that!

    I think I O'd yesterday, but will know by the weekend for sure. Having our first Uro and RE appointments on Tuesday. I'm nervous and excited at the same time.

    QOTW: I have learned so much about my body that I should have learned a long time ago! And I have also learned that there are lots of other women in my shoes, which makes me feel much better about all of the ups and downs.

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    Think I'll o' around CD18. And I got ewcm for the first time since I started charting!


    Honestly - DH  is  the one who wanted to TTC for years.  I have never really had baby fever. But now that we have started...I am 100000% more excited than I would have ever thought. For me - this is something huge and postive!


  • Nest Name: Mimi525 Age: 39 Location: Westchester, N.Y. TTC since: Sept. 2006  Starting IVF#3 in May
  • Hi and thanks for doing this!

    NantucketSunset-36, MA, 9/07

    Introduction: TTC since 9/07. Tubal factor diagnosed 9/08. Currently in IVF#1.

    QOTD: I have learned that a long journey can be handled 1 step at a time

    Update: IVF 2ww. 10dp3dt. POAS this morning. Faint line! Still trying to figure out if there is any way it could be the trigger (14.5 dpt)...

    Blocked tubes due to ruptured appendix
    IVF#1 Ectopic - tube removed; FET#1 CP; IVF#2 BFP!
    Beta#1 13dpo 115; Beta#2 15dpo 248; Beta #3 20dpo 2215 U/S#1 6w1d HR 99; U/S#2 8w HR 165; U/S#3 10w HR 176 and moving all around!
    Bedrest at 28 weeks due to preterm labor; released to modified bedrest at 34 weeks; released to full activity at 37 weeks
    BabyNantucket born at 37 weeks 4 days 7lbs8oz 19in

    Success is getting up just one more time than you fall down.

  • I am on CD 12, waiting to O. Its looking like it will be a long cycle. DH and I have an appointment with RE on Thursday 5/7.

    The positive thing--the very few people I have told about the losses and struggles have been incredibly supportive (not to mention the ladies on this board). I was always very much a tomboy and always closer friends with guys but now I feel a kinship with other women unlike I had ever felt before.

  • Here is my info:

    Nest Name: ecu1995    AGE: 35    TTC Since: 2/09 (post mirena removal)


    What is one positive thing you have learned or experienced while TTC? To chill out and take it easy.  I have always been the type that once I got it in my mind to do something, I had to do it right then...but this time around (even though it is killing me) I know that it might not happen right now and I just need to chill and relax a little!
    Canon 60D: Canon 50mm 1.8 & 85mm 1.8, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Sigma 30mm 1.4
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