
Job Interview at 31 wks

I just got a call for a job interview.  I was up front with them and told them about my pregnancy and that I'm due in  about 7 weeks.  She says, "Well, it's not supposed to matter that you're pregnant, but I'm not sure that's going to work."  They want me to come in for the interview anyway.  I'm a little disappointed because I've been out of work for almost a year and we really need the money, but maybe it's for the best. 

Re: Job Interview at 31 wks

  • wow- i'm shocked they actually said that to you! I mean, we all know that is what they THINK but to say it? not wise.

    but i can see their point- you are pg with twins and could be out of work any day now (i have been out since 27w).... they need someone to fill a spot- so why would they hire someone who would basically be out for many weeks/months before they could start? ya know - that is tricky.

    i would go for the interview anyway - every interview you can get is good practice if you get the job or not - and who knows- maybe you'd be the only qualified candidate and they'd be OK with waiting for you to start rather than hire someone else who sucks?

  • Thanks Goldie!  That's exactly what I was thinking.  I don't even know if I could handle taking on the job at this point.  But, we'll see what happens. 
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  • What kind of work is it? Would they be willing to hold on the hire if they really like you?

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  • The position is director of a non-profit.  I applied for the position in January, and they are just now interviewing for it.  I don't know if they would hold for a few more months or not. 
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