I am really falling in love with the name Charlotte Mary for a little girl, but we're all about nicknames around here. What are the common nicknames for Charlotte? DH and I only came up with Charlie. He loves it, but I'm not so sure. I know I could just call her Charlotte, but I like to have options. WDYT?
Thanks in advance!
Re: NN for Charlotte?
I have a friend named Charlotte and most everyone who's close to her calls her Char ("Shar"). Though sometimes we call her Carlotta for fun!
If you want an "official" nickname, I'd say Lottie.
DS- Wesley- March 14, 2010
I have a friend who named her daughter Charlotte... and when her older brother was learning how to spell it (he was 6) he discovered that there is an Arlo in the middle....
Guess what Charlotte answers to now? Yup, Arlo!
We named our youngest Charlotte Rose. We do call her Charlotte a lot, but we also use Charli just as much - She's kind of a rough and tumble girly girl so both work nicely. We also call her Char or Char Char (with the Ch sound - not the Sh sound). My husband also calls her Charli Rose a lot.
My first thought before opening the post (just from the title) was Charlie. I am not a fan of unisex names, but for nicknames, I think it is cute for a little girl to have a boy's real name.