Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Have you ever found a tick on/near DC?

There was one in her crib this morning after her first nap! I was extremely icked out and checked A for signs of a bite or another creature but all seems well. But just having that one freaks me out that there are more..........and that I don't know where they are. I feel lucky having noticed this one. Her blanket could've been slightly to the right, covering the sucker, and I wouldn'tve been so lucky.


Re: Have you ever found a tick on/near DC?

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    No.  It's unlikely that you'll find another--you're probably safe.  You would find the tick still attached if it had bitten her.  Those suckers stay on for days.
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    Ugh. I searched that little body in a serious way. I was completely creeped out!!! I checked inside her ear even and in all of her baby rolls. I'm a freak when it comes to ticks!! :(  I just can't get over how lucky I was to find that little thing.........just crawling around.......a stark contrast of black ugliness on her fresh clean white sheets. Bleh bleh bleh. I've never personally had a tick bite me so I honestly can only hope I'd have had the cajones to pull/dig it out of her!!

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    i found a tick on dek when he was 8 weeks old! to this day i have no idea where he picked it up.  granted, we have a dog, but neither my husband or i have ever found a tick on us in the 7 years of owning him. it was on his upper thigh and i saw it while changing him. it had latched on already, but had not yet drawn any blood. i pulled it out and brought it to the ped who identified it as a nymphal deer tick and told me the tick needs to feed for 24-48 hours before any diseases can be transmitted. i, too, was freaked out beyond belief and still am. we live in a rural, woodsy area, so i am always on high alert, but now more than ever. especially now that the weather is nice and he wants to be walking around in the grass with the dog. they are disgusting little parasites, and your desire to protect her will allow you to gather the strength to yank the little bugger out.
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    ........your desire to protect her will allow you to gather the strength to yank the little bugger out.

    You are right. Now that I think of it I've killed a few spiders I've seen in her room that would otherwise have been left for DH to handle. So I'm sure when it came to it I'd do what needed to be done. But your post made me wonder.........should I have saved it? I flushed it.........

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    A few weeks ago I found one on DS after I took off his clothes for bed.  I am assuming the dog brought it in because that happens more often than I like.  I didn't see any bites on him but for all I know it could have been down his shirt all day.  Thank gid DH was home to take care of it because they totally freak me out.
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    Thankfully no..

    But we lived in NY for a little while growing up and my parents once found a tick on my little brother's penis!! Poor guy :( I will never forget him standing by the fireplace with the whole family watching as my dad used a match to get the tick to loosen it's grip so they could get it out. I don't think my brother will ever forget that either!! We lived in a very woodsy area and I ended up getting lyme disease. Luckily it was caught very early and I didn't have any side effects from it or anything. Just keep a look out for the bulls-eye mark just in case. I'm sure for you it was just a one-tick thing she picked up somewhere and they're not in the house or anything. 

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